Ted Cruz Draws a Line and Dares Democrats to Cross It As Judiciary Committee Torpedoes Radical Judge

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Women in America were given a massive victory by the Senate Judiciary Committee after it torpedoed the nomination of Sarah Netburn and the Democrats' bid to have her sit on the U.S. District Court in New York's Southern District. 


To give you a reminder about how radical Netburn is, this was the judge who allowed a man named William McClain to transfer to a women's prison after he simply renamed himself July Justine Shelby and identified as a woman despite undergoing no real changes to his body. McClain had pleaded guilty to molesting a nine-year-old boy and raping a 17-year-old girl. 

Netburn reversed a decision by the Board of Prisons to deny McClain his request, stating McClain was hormonally a female and should be transferred to a women's prison as soon as possible. 

During her interview by the judiciary committee, she was ripped apart by Senate Republicans and was labeled a "radical" by Senator Ted Cruz. 

Fast-forward to Thursday, and the Judiciary Committee nuked any chances Netburn had, and not only that, Cruz gave one of the fieriest speeches I have ever seen from the man, not only bringing down the hammer on Netburn but daring any Democrat to defend her. 

After noting that the only way to get nominated is to prove you're a radical, Cruz drew a line in the sand for his Democrat colleagues. 


"This is an opportunity to every senator to demonstrate whether you'll stand up for the rights of women or not," said Cruz, staring straight at his colleagues. "I sadly expect a party-line vote on this, but I will say this; if we do have a party-line vote, Mr. Chairman, I'm going to make a request. I'm going to ask, Mr. Chairman, that you ask Majority Leader Schumer to expedite a floor vote on this judge on the floor. 

"I want to see Senator Tester vote on whether a six-foot-two man should go to a women's prison," continued Cruz. "I want to see Senator Brown — I want to see every Democrat go on record. Do you give a damn about the women in your state, or not?" 

Sadly, Cruz was right. It was an 11-10 party-line vote with one exception. According to The Hill, Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff split with his party to vote alongside Republicans to deny Netburn. 


While this ultimately ended as it should have, the fact that anyone could vote for Netburn after her recommendation to put a male serial rapist in a women's prison is shocking, but perhaps in this day and age, not surprising. Democrats have proven time and again that the transgender cause is far and away more important than most everything — that includes women and children. 

It's funny that they often peg the GOP as the party that "hates women" and wants them subjugated, but time and again, they prove to be the party protecting women. Today, they protected women from Democrat radical judges. 


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