The Amy Coney Barrett hearing has been nothing but a way for Democrats to get themselves into clips on the internet that show them standing up to what they see as the Republicans’ handmaid. It results in what could only be seen as a silly line of questioning that, if a laugh track was put up next to it, would be wildly appropriate.
Republican Louisiana Senator John Kennedy seems to believe that the Democrats are going a bit far into an absurd territory, specifically Democrat Senator and VP candidate Kamala Harris. He didn’t get angry about it, nor did he go on a rant. Instead, Kennedy did what Kennedy does, and he decided to use his wit and humor to shame Harris and the Democrats with a line of questioning toward Barrett that ended with something that was actually funny.
“Judge, let’s try to answer some of Senator Harris’s accusations,” said Kennedy, donning his glasses.
Kennedy proceeded to rapid-fire some questions at Barrett.
“Are you a racist?” asked Kennedy.
“I am not a racist, Senator Kennedy,” said Barrett.
“You’re sure?” he prodded.
“I’m positive,” responded Barrett.
This line of questioning including whether or not Barrett cared more about people or corporations, whether she cared about the environment, whether or not she supports science, and children, and prosperity.
Barrett confirmed that she is indeed supportive of all of these things, having had personal interactions with many of them that give her good insight into the subjects.
Kennedy hit Barrett with a hilarious question that summed up the entirety of the dog and pony show she’s been forced into the center of.
“Do you hate little, warm puppies?” asked Kennedy.
Barrett laughed and confirmed that she liked little, warm puppies, but noted that her family owns a little, fluffy chinchilla.
Sen. John Kennedy: "Do you hate little warm puppies?"
Judge Barrett: "I do not hate little warm puppies." pic.twitter.com/Ta0Kycge85
— The Hill (@thehill) October 14, 2020
Kennedy noted that this line of questioning only took two minutes, insinuating that the line of questioning coming from Democrats, and Harris in particular, was ridiculous and unnecessary. He then proceeded to call out Harris for effectively labeling various states as guilty of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, and more.
“She thinks America is systemically racist. I don’t,” said Kennedy. “I think our history is the best evidence of that. I don’t we’re a racist country.”
Kennedy brought up the fact that America has altered itself drastically in the course of 150 years, the blink of an eye considering the grand space of time, into being a country that outlawed slavery and a country that had a black president.
The point Kennedy was making is that Harris seems to be raising alarm bells around things that aren’t alarming, and while America does have racists in it, it is not a racist country and that many of the questions lobbed at Barrett seem to insinuate that she belongs to a group or state where racism is embedded into the psyche, even if subconsciously.
It’s a ridiculous line of questioning that Barrett has had to endure. So silly that, if Kennedy didn’t make fun of it, the idea that Barrett hated little warm puppies might have been brought up.
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