Hypocritical #MeToo “feminist” and ratio enthusiast Alyssa Milano is mad (redundant) that we live in a nation where someone like Joe Rogan has a much larger following on his podcast than she does.
During one of her many rants on Twitter about how horrible we and this country are, the former actress from that show none of us watched was switching it up by venting about the awfulness of Trump who she describes as “orange and horrible” (yes, that’s literally an orange man bad rant she’s got going) and the state of our country is so bad that people aren’t paying enough attention to her and are instead enjoying Rogan.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) July 30, 2020
First off, I didn’t even know Milano had a podcast, and I think that’s because I’m not an angry white woman who half-jokingly calls her cats her “boyfriends” and uses the term “patriarchy” unironically.
I haven’t sat down and listened to it and I don’t think I ever will. If they’re anything like Milano’s tweets, my brain’s grey matter will reduce just by virtue of having been to close to a working electronic that presented her material to me. She hasn’t had anything interesting to say for years now, and I doubt that’ll change by the medium.
Rogan, however, is a podcast I actively enjoy. I don’t listen to every single one he releases, but one of my favorite things to do during a break is to put on his podcast while I eat or relax. I like to listen to him while I take a load off and play some video games.
His content is thought-provoking. His middle-of-the-road stances on many things allow me to see the other side of subjects I haven’t seen yet. The insight and experiences of his guests are worth its weight in gold and left or right, I always love to hear what they have to say. I still go back and relisten to episodes featuring Tim Pool and I was glued to the one he recently had with former professor Brett Weinstein, and after this, I’m going to probably listen to the one featuring Post Malone that was posted yesterday.
The fact is, Rogan offers a wide range of content that makes you think and introduces you to concepts that you might not have thought of or known about before. So many people don’t even sit on the same political spectrum as Rogan, yet we listen to him regardless. He’s not trying to be middle of the road. He tells you what his opinions are, but he comes by his opinions honestly. He’s more than willing to say when he was wrong and doesn’t proudly cling to ideas he can’t back up. He keeps the same friendliness with left-wing figures as he does right-wing figures.
His podcast is just fun, and if listening to a podcast isn’t fun in some way, then what’s the point?
Milano’s MO isn’t delivering fun. She’s not delivering good information, nor is she allowing for open thought. Milano has always been about confirming the bias of wokescolds through selective outrage from a moral high ground that she doesn’t deserve to be on given her blatant hypocrisy and blind hatred of people who don’t think like her, all wrapped up in an obviously transparent veil of “caring.”
Milano doesn’t deserve to have a large audience. Rogan does. Rogan actually delivers a product that serves the public while not even trying to serve the public. He engages his own curiosity and we go along for the ride. Milano wants to preach, Rogan wants to have a conversation.
It’s that simple.
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