The feud between Chick-fil-A and Popeye’s has been a duel for the ages, with Popeye’s trying to move in on Chick-fil-A’s chicken sandwich perfection. The only problem so far is that Popeye’s never seems to have any chicken sandwiches to sell due to the high demand.
In light of their constant shortage, one Chick-fil-A manager decided to take the opportunity to do a bit of good-natured trolling. Jené Walker of Greensboro, North Carolina, was pulling to the Popeye’s with her co-worker and noticed there was hardly a soul to be seen at the restaurant, with the exception of one man in an orange polo holding a Chick-fil-A bag.
“I instantly thought ‘what is a Popeyes employee doing with a Chick-fil-A bag at Popeyes?'” Walker said in a Facebook post.
Upon investigation, they found that it was a mischievous Chick-fil-A director with a big smile on his face, but while he was going to poke fun at Popeye’s, his intent was far from malicious:
“He had the biggest smile on his face,” Walker said. “When we asked him what he was doing over there at Popeyes he said he was just bringing over some sandwiches since he knew they were sold out.”
Walker said the Chick-fil-A director told them that he knew they had been super crowded and stressed out and said he wanted to help.
After the exchange with the Popeyes employee, Walker said the Chick-fil-A director offered her and her coworker a free lunch at his store.
Walker’s Facebook post has now gone completely viral, and says that she’ll never cheat on Chick-fil-A again.
The internet is full of nasty jokes and outrage, but here we see two opponents actually having healthy competition and being nice about even while they troll each other.
Of course, it helps that one of the parties involved is Chick-fil-A. The two chicken chains have been in a duel for chicken sandwich superiority for some time now, and it all started with a Twitter post from Popeye’s trying to troll Chick-fil-A. Of course, it was all fun and games for Popeye’s…

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