Perhaps some in the middle are getting a little tired of being Nancy Pelosi’s lapdog? That’s probably too much to hope for, but for tonight at least, someone on CNN decided to push back. That someone was, surprisingly enough, Wolf Blitzer.
He pressed Pelosi on not compromising on a new coronavirus relief bill, among other topics. What followed over fourteen minutes was one of the most insane interviews between a journalist and a politician that you’ll ever see. By the end of it, I was wondering exactly what drugs Pelosi was on.
Speaker Pelosi to CNN's Wolf Blitzer when he calls her out for refusing to make a deal on COVID-19 relief:
"I don’t know why you’re always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position." pic.twitter.com/WHvnG3kOf3
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 13, 2020
Accusing Wolf Blitzer and CNN of being apologists for Republicans is one of the most deranged, unhinged accusations I’ve seen levied within media circles. CNN is not only rabidly anti-Trump, they are rabidly anti-Republican in general. Day after day, their line up is filled with biased vitriol that’s most often not based in any fact. After all, this is the home network of figures like Jim Acosta, Don Lemon, and yes, Wolf Blitzer, who’s no stranger to partisan bias himself.
But for this moment, Blitzer had apparently heard enough nonsense. Pelosi would only grow more hostile, eventually leading to this ending, where things got really heated and weird.
Nancy Pelosi came completely unglued on CNN, lashing out at Wolf Blitzer for questioning her
She literally asked if he "fed" her constituents. This is absolutely wild pic.twitter.com/g7v8gHTmnS
— Chris Martin (@chrisjdmartin) October 13, 2020
I’m sorry, what? Honestly, I don’t even know what to make of that. Whatever she’s on, it’s not serving her well. And to be sure, this woman is not well. Perhaps it’s her age, or perhaps it’s that Trump has just so thoroughly broken her, but none of this is normal or rational.
Of course, you can fully expect the media to take the hint here and bend the knee the next time she comes in for an interview. While it’d be nice if this were a wake up call, it won’t be.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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