Sen. Chris Murphy has never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s certainly tried to ensure he’s one of the loudest. Much like Adam Schiff, he routinely appears on cable news to rattle off insane conspiracy theories, typically involving Russia. Putin lives under this guy’s bed and it’s been extremely traumatizing for him.
You’d think he could give it a rest for a few days, though, given the fact that the President had now contracted the coronavirus. You’d think wrong though. Instead, he took it up a notch.
Garbage person Chris Murphy to garbage network CNN: Trump ‘Surrogate’ Vladimir Putin Will Be Campaigning for Him While He’s Quarantined pic.twitter.com/MP2UHikoZv
— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) October 2, 2020
CNN was so impressed that they had him back on that same evening.
CNN is *really* serious, guys.
Chris Murphy is back on. pic.twitter.com/vC41x1Toy2
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 2, 2020
He seems sane, right? I’ll try to lay off commenting on his appearance, but it’s hard to ignore the role it plays in sewing this package of craziness altogether.
It wasn’t just Murphy though. It was the entirety of CNN and the liberal media at large that collectively dove face first into the gutter over Trump’s diagnosis. Tucker Carlson noticed that and laid into them, including hitting Murphy as a “buffoon” for his nonsensical, conspiratorial commentary.
Honestly, what kind of person’s first reaction to learning the President has a possible deadly disease is to worry about whether Putin is going to influence the election on his behalf? How clinically paranoid must one be to have that as the top thought in one’s mind? Murphy is legitimately no better than QAnon, which the media and some on the right can’t stop fluffing as a “serious” issue. Actually, he’s much worse. He’s not a random internet troll. He’s a sitting U.S. Senator going on a supposedly credible news outlet and spewing nonsense that wouldn’t be fit for 4chan.
The state of the Democrat party, especially when it comes to their commentary on Russia, is just sad. These are people who look at a piece of pizza as a Russian plot to poison Joe Biden voters. None of it makes any sense, and I’m not even sure they believe it does in their own minds. They are just so desperately trying to get rid of Trump that they will say absolutely anything. Murphy is a prime example of that.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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