Let me begin this article by saying that I don’t have an aversion to discussing the betterment of police procedures. I think laws that result in someone’s death over selling second-hand cigarettes, such as Eric Garner, are generally dumb and pointless. But what I do have an aversion to is being gaslit, and that’s exactly what is going on in regards to the Jacob Blake case.
Democrats are continuing to obscure the facts of what happened, ignoring the entire lead up to Blake being shot, while pretending that he’s an innocent victim.
Kamala Harris did that again today.
Kamala Harris after meeting with Jacob Blake and his family:
“They’re an incredible family — What they’ve endured, and they do it with such dignity and grace… They’re carrying the weight of a lot of places on their shoulders.”
pic.twitter.com/5aPIpQY11H— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 7, 2020
What a fake, pandering hack. As a former state prosecutor who has dealt with use of force incidents many times, she knows exactly what happened here. She knows that Blake raped his girlfriend (to the extent that she still considered herself that), and allegedly not for the first time. She knows that he stole her keys and proceeded to try to take a car. She knows that there were three children in the backseat. She knows he assaulted officers and refused arrest after multiple attempts. She knows he brandished a knife as he walked around the front fender. Lastly, she knows that the police were begging him not to enter the vehicle and that a weapon was found on the floorboard.
Kamala Harris knows every detail of this story and she still pretends that she’s a racial warrior dealing with a grave act of discrimination when that was absolutely not what this was. Also of note is the fact that Blake’s father is a rabid anti-Semite, having pledged his loyalty to Louis Farrakhan and asserting worldwide conspiracies involving Jews.
Nothing Jacob Blake has done is worth being “proud” of. Quite the opposite. While any parent would be grieved by a son being injured, there is no reason to place them on a pedestal or forget the facts of what really happened. To do that is damaging, not just because the truth always matters, but because this drives away those who might otherwise have legitimate concerns about police procedure and overreach.
If you are going to lump in Jacob Blake with the Eric Garners of the world, then you’ve already set a standard so unacceptable by most Americans that there will never be any positive change. Harris knows this and doesn’t care. She’s just here to say whatever it takes to further her career. She’s a shameless void of a politician who doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near the reins of power, much less first in line to the presidency.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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