BREAKING: Chaos Breaks Out On House Floor, Pelosi Shut Down for the Day

Caricature by DonkeyHotey

This is all fluid, but there’s apparently full blown chaos breaking out on the House floor.

Lawmakers were in the middle of debating a resolution to condemn Trump’s tweet storm from this past weekend when Nancy Pelosi pointedly said Trump’s comments were racist on the House floor. Not only is that highly debatable, it turns out to be a violation of House rules.


This led to a 30 minute debate between Democratic staffers and the House Parliamentarian. Initially, Pelosi claimed she had cleared her language beforehand, but that turned out to not be true. Steny Hoyer would eventually rule Peloi’s comments out of order.

It should be pointed out that Pelosi and Democrats could never muster up the courage to call Ilhan Omar’s plainly anti-Semitic comments what they were in a resolution, instead choosing to whitewash a generalized condemnation of “all hate” that Omar actually claimed was a victory against “Islamophobia.”

In the end, I’m sure the House Democrats will get their pointless resolution, but Pelosi’s antics here are going to open the flood gates for other Congressional members to break the rules.


It should also be pointed out that House Republicans really played their A game here by objecting at the right time and running circles around Pelosi. Meanwhile, a debate over Trump has now turned into an embarrassment on the floor for Democrats. “The Squad” strikes again.


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