House Representative and noted anti-Semite Ilhan Omar has decided to join the “Black-Jewish Caucus,” which is a newly formed, bi-partisan group of lawmakers. Jewish Republican Lee Zeldin, among four others, is a founding member. The purpose is stated as building bridges between two historically oppressed groups.
The irony of Omar joining is that the group was formed in part as a response to her antisemitic assertion that American support of Israel was bought by Jewish money.
The new caucus followed multiple shootings at American synagogues as well as concern over remarks made by both Sarsour and Omar. The American Jewish Congress specifically called for a bipartisan group of Jewish lawmakers to form after Omar suggested that Israel had bought support from the U.S.
While a union between Jewish and black lawmakers sounds mundane on the surface, things get much more complicated when you start including an anti-Semite who wears a religion on her sleeve that has oppressed and murdered Jews for millennia. Even past that, her personal stances on Israel, support of Palestinian terrorism, and support for BDS, also make it pretty difficult to “build bridges” in this case. If Omar were apologetic about any of that, things might be different but she’s not in the least.
Sure enough, instead of bringing a humble attitude to the group, Omar immediately endorsed and propagated an attack from rabid anti-Semite Linda Sarsour.
Lee Zeldin is still an anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian bigot who called Obama a racist & Zeldin campaigns with neo-Nazis & white supremacists. I will tweet this back to you a MILLION times while you continue to deflect your support for Zeldin. P.S. Muslim women don’t always agree. https://t.co/KyQj4Yhgpy
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) June 6, 2019
This is typical antisemitic garbage. Zeldin is not an anti-Arab “bigot” for supporting Israel’s right to exist. Accusing Jews of being in league with Nazis is also typical of Palestinian, antisemitic propaganda and is related to efforts to downplay the Holocaust. See here for a recent example. Sarsour has a long history of supporting terrorist actions, making false claims about Jews, and propagating antisemitism.
For her part, Ilhan Omar wanted everyone to know that even though she’s joining the Black-Jewish Caucus, she still supports Linda Sarsour and all the same antisemitic things she supported before. In fact, it’s Zeldin that she hopes changes.
Just to be clear, my endorsement of the caucus and willingness to unite our communities against the threats of White supremacy isn’t an endorsement of Zeldin’s bigotry!
Linda’s point still remains valid but my hope here is that Zeldin can learn and grow. https://t.co/2Fp6znt353
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) June 6, 2019
I’m sure this is going to end really well.
LOL Omar joins the black-Jewish Congressional caucus and automatically promotes an attack from another antisemite (Linda Sarsour) against the primary Jewish member responsible for founding the caucus.
Beyond parody. https://t.co/gUmcKak4Jf
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) June 6, 2019
Zeldin responded in a measured tone.
This new Caucus is a positive, bipartisan push to build bridges between 2 groups. Be helpful, accurate & better. Unite; don’t divide or try to poison like this latest personal attack. This is bigger than us & we have to be better than this. https://t.co/1Ai7jzScKp
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) June 6, 2019
Good luck with that Congressman. Omar is almost certainly going to use her membership to further divide. She’s already doing that and the ink isn’t even dry on the paperwork. She has no capacity to be “better than this,” partly because she is reinforced by Democrats and the media every time she makes a disgusting attack. This isn’t going to stop and will only escalate. Imagine what her response is going to be the first time the caucus does something in support of Israel.
Omar’s personal views and support for anti-Semites like Sarsour aren’t going away because no one is insisting they go away. The Democratic party has completely caved to their left-wing base on these issues.
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