
It Wasn't Just Condoms for Afghanistan—Trump to Kill Other Loony Spending Like Trans Comic Books for Peru

AP Photo/Hassan Ammar

RedState’s Jennifer Oliver O’Connell reported Monday that the Biden administration quietly awarded $15 million in taxpayer funds to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to help distribute "oral contraceptives and condoms." Seriously?! This is somehow in our national security interests?

Turns out there are plenty of other zany causes that your hard-earned tax dollars went toward as the Worst Administration in History™ splurged on. Yes indeedy, there’s a racy transgender comic book somewhere in Peru that American money helped pay for, and what would make our government more respected than if we funded Ecuadorean drag queen shows? 

I’m sure China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have the same priorities, right? Well… Maybe not.

Luckily, not every politician in this country completely lost their minds, and the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Florida Rep. Brian Mast (R), is on the case exposing the deviancy of Joe Biden and his seemingly sex-obsessed former underlings. Days before the Inauguration, he indicated that his committee would assist Trump and (now) Secretary of State Marco Rubio to nuke—with prejudice—these idiotic outlays:

Mast said closed-door interviews with mid-level grant writers have shown him there exists a glut of questionable expenditures funding cultural and educational programs in foreign countries that are unwanted by the recipient nations and fail to further any meaningful U.S. interests.

“We see these grants come through — provocative ones like drag shows in Ecuador, atheism in Nepal, condoms for the Taliban. These are real things,” Mast said. “And it makes you wonder ‘Okay, who signs off on that? Where in the process do you actually tie that to a broader U.S. objective that we need to be paying for contraception for the Taliban? Where do you tie that to national security interests?’ It’s informative for them to talk about that, but also good for them to realize there will be a change coming.”

RedState's Susie Moore was on it back in 2002:

US Taxpayer Dollars Now Funding Drag Theater Performances in Ecuador

What else are we funding? Mast said in a separate interview that the more he looks into it, the worse it gets:

'So, $47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia. That was a real one,' he revealed. 

'Let's see, there was a transgender comic book, we're trying to get our hands on the actual comic book, in Peru,' he continued. 'And I heard it's reasonably risqué.' 

Mast seems to think we have other priorities that are more important during these historic times than LGBTQI awareness in Zimbabwe:

More Mast: House Steering Committee's Pick of Brian Mast to Lead Foreign Affairs Committee Is Amazing

'Tlaib’s Got Her Flag. I Got My Uniform' - FL Rep. Brian Mast Attends GOP Meeting in IDF Uniform

And lest you think I was just being snide with the phrase “LGBTQI awareness in Zimbabwe,” I’m sorry to inform you that you’re mistaken. While China ascended, inflation went nuts, two major overseas wars broke out, and Sleepy Joe botched the Afghanistan withdrawal at the cost of 13 American lives (and hundreds more Afghanis), recently departed Secretary of State Antony Blinken had his concerns elsewhere. Mast blasted him in no uncertain terms in the final days of his sad tenure:

“I cannot, in good faith, allow you to spend millions of dollars to combat climate change in the war-torn Middle East or fund LGBTQI awareness in Zimbabwe — both of which are among your recent proposals,” he told the officials in his letter.

He informed Blinken and Power in the document that the Foreign Affairs Committee would freeze the funding for these last-minute initiatives.

Mast wrote, “The rush to fund these and other controversial programs on the eve of a new administration contradicts President Biden’s pledge to conduct a smooth transition and undermines critical Congressional oversight of taxpayer dollars spent abroad. As such, I am invoking the long-standing precedent granted to authorizing and appropriating committees to place a hold on these funds before they are obligated.”

As bad as we knew the administration was while we were forced to live through it for four long years, and as much as we at outlets like RedState exposed their malfeasances and their perversions of real American values, we of course couldn’t know everything because A) the Biden regime was among the least transparent in history, and B) the corrupt mainstream media covered for them like a spouse covers for their alcoholic abuser.

As time goes on, and lips start flapping, I believe we’re going to see ever more revelations like this about just how corrupt and perverted the thankfully departed administration was.

Rip it all out, Trump, Mast, Rubio, et al. 

Rip it all out.


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