In the natural evolution of America, political parties have come and gone. From the Whigs to the Bull Moose parties, the American people ultimately decide who they are aligned with and who they believe has America's best interest at heart. There has always been a belief that a two-party system is a healthy thing for the country. While the vast majority of Americans love the country and want it to succeed, there are vastly different views on how to do that. Americans should debate and discuss those views; that back and forth is in our DNA. But what if one of those parties has all but made it clear that they do not have America's best interest at heart?
"In a stunning moment of clarity on "CNN Newsroom," Jones finally verbalized what has been plainly obvious for years: The Democratic Party is imploding under the weight of its own failed ideology and disastrous messaging strategy."
— servative (@servative) March 11, 2025
Van Jones Admits Democrats Are ‘Screwed’…
In the sweeping landscape of America, there are probably quite a few people who, in the last few years, have soured on the two-party system and wouldn't have a problem with, for lack of a better way to put it, one-party "rule." We know that is a fervent fantasy of the left, and we know what they would do with it. But on Wednesday night, Fox News Channel's Jesse Watters may have made it okay for those on the right to say out loud, yeah, given the current state of the Democrat Party, now would be a good time for a bit of one-party rule of our own.
Watters was asked by Greg Gutfeld if the Democrat Party would go extinct. Jesse's answer, "I hope so. I'm not one of those people like you (Gutfeld) that think, 'Oh it's really healthy for the country if you have two strong parties. Get outta here!" In true Jesse Watters style, he turned to the one Democrat on the panel, former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford Jr., and said, "You said you think of the past. I want to burn your village and steal your women, metaphorically speaking." The translation: Watters is not interested in unity or mercy for Democrats. If they are hell-bent on making themselves irrelevant, Republicans should get out of the way and let them.
The panel -- even Ford -- erupted in laughter, and it was funny, but Jesse Watters has a point. As with the beginning of President Trump's first term, Republicans hold the House, Senate, and White House. The majorities are slim, but they are majorities nonetheless. Republicans, you are in charge, so act like it. Watters continued, saying:
"I want one of those great stretches where it was like Reagan, Bush, and if it wasn't for Ross Perot, it would have been 16 straight years. That's what I want, and that's what I expect."
No truer words have been written via @NYPostOpinion: "Yes: Between the obsessive demonization of President-elect Donald Trump and his supporters, the rank incompetence of the Biden administration and the constant push toward race-and-gender-war lunacy, Democrats have transformed…
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) December 30, 2024
Yes: Between the obsessive demonization of President-elect Donald Trump and his supporters, the rank incompetence of the Biden administration and the constant push toward race-and-gender-war lunacy, Democrats have transformed their party into a soup of hazardous sludge.
Whether Bush would have won a second term will be up to history to debate, but the idea of allowing the Democrat Party to implode itself and give America a long stretch of conservatism is ideal. Watters then asked what Democrats stand for, and the answer, we know, is not much. They claim to want to save the climate, yet are torching Tesla dealerships. He went on, saying:
"Do you stand for education? No, you shut the schools down and you don't even talk about test scores. Do you stand for health? Look at yourselves. Obviously, you're not MAHA." Do you stand for borders? Do you stand for public safety? Obviously not. Do you stand for the middle class doing well? No!... The Democrats don't stand for anything."
In another interesting tidbit, Watters mentioned that the Democrats are on a "messaging" retreat in Virginia. Solid proof that they still believe that their messaging is the problem, not horrible progressive ideas. He hit on what, besides ideas, is the quintessential difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats must go on a retreat to get all of their members on the same page, and tell them what they believe and what they stand for. Republicans don't need to be told, they inherently know what they believe. If Republicans advertise a gathering, whether it is CPAC or a local get-together, it's a sure bet that all of those people are going to believe in the same things. They don't have to be told what they believe.
ALSO READ: Hakeem Jeffries Demonstrates Why Democrats Are Tanking in Embarrassing New Video
The Democrat Party is a wounded animal right now -- why shouldn't Republicans go in for the kill? It is actually an idea that is not new. I am paraphrasing, but I can remember the great Rush Limbaugh saying several times something to the effect that Republicans should not be afraid to make the Democrat party irrelevant, but we should keep one or two liberals, maybe university professors around, just to remind us of what we are fighting against.
When their party can not even stand for a 13-year-old brain cancer survivor, it is indeed time to forgo showing any unity or mercy to that party. It's time to burn the village and steal the women.
🚨 'I WANT TO BURN YOUR VILLAGE!': Jesse Watters just went absolutely scorched earth on Democrats - says he does NOT want unity, and wants to show no mercy.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) March 12, 2025
"You asked the question about whether the Democrats are going to go extinct. I hope so. I'm not one of those people like…
I'm not one of those people like you that think, 'Oh, it's really healthy for the country If you have two strong parties-' get out of here!"