In a recent Sunday column, I suggested we should all Buckle Up Because Donald Trump Is Back, and it's safe to anticipate an intense flurry of immediate official action by the 47th president as soon as he takes office — Oh, Look! — very soon.
It can't be too soon.
The open southern border, illegal immigration, and deportation of criminals among them are issues sure to see early action. And, so, too, is the Woke culture that seeks to undermine American exceptionalism that rewards excellence.
The Woke infestation has especially permeated many of the nation's colleges and universities. The safe rooms there are likely to be packed after Trump's inauguration with professors and some of their gullible charges audibly mourning his promise of Woke's demise.
And in a wonderful way, the administration's promised campaign against Woke could, in the end, become the saving grace of our once highly-valued system of higher education.
The warning signs are abundant for them.
The warning signs include a sharp drop in the confidence expressed by a growing number of Americans in the positive effects in life of a college or university education.
The reasons for this once-unexpected shift, most recently captured in a Gallup Poll, are the subject of this week's audio commentary here.
As always, please join in the discussion with your observations and reactions in the Comment section below.
In case you missed it, Joe Biden has given his official Farewell Address as his White House lease is set to expire on Jan 20. His entire family watched it. And my RedState colleagues here did, too, to spare you the experience.
In anticipation of that event, the most recent Sunday column here tried to provide a serious, if premature, analysis of Joe Biden's presidential legacy, such as it is. It is dominated by screw-ups of all kinds and sizes.
They start with the willful erasure of our border with Mexico and the wanton admission of millions of illegal immigrants, unverified, undocumented, and untracked, as they spread their way into hundreds of communities all across the country. The impact and costs of all that will be felt by all of us for many years to come.
Of course, there was Joe Biden's meticulously bolloxed U.S. troop exit from Afghanistan, during which he ignored Pentagon advice, which caused the needless deaths of hundreds, including 13 American service members.
The major Biden screw-up — I suppose I should say the major screw-up engineered in his name by his unidentified puppeteers, including Dr. Jill — that touched the lives of virtually every American was an insane level of government spending.
That ignited an historic level of inflation, at one point in excess of nine percent. That's an invisible tax on everyone and one that remains, even if the actual inflation rate declines.
Biden has tried to fog the issue by citing erroneous numbers in his public remarks. But the facts remain.
My colleagues here this week are blanketing the Senate committee hearings into the Trump nominees for Cabinet and other key positions. And soon, this invaluable site will do the same, covering all aspects of the historic Inauguration Day and its unfolding immediate and later aftermaths.
Best place, naturally, to catch all these late-breaking posts is the front page.