Are you excited about the debates?
Hollywood director Ava DuVernay thinks there’s no need for ’em — we’re already past that.
Ava — who helmed 2014’s Tinseltown titan Selma — took to Instagram Wednesday to praise presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his recently-chosen running mate, Kamala Harris.
Beyond that, she warned of more horror if the Dem ticket isn’t punched by a winning number of electoral voters.
Of course, the nation’s not seen a single second yet of Donald Trump face-to-face with former VP Joe. Yet, Ava’s insistent:
“There is no debate anymore. There’s no room for it in my book.”
COVID’s a deadly menace, and that’s evidently due to Trump:
“We either make this happen. Or literally, more of us perish. People are dying. Someone I love died. This virus is real. If it hasn’t visited your doorstep, it will.”
So change the presidency, stop the deaths? It seems Yes.
Ava dismissed any criticism of Kamala:
“Oh but, Kamala did this or she didn’t do that. I hear you. I know. And I don’t care.”
Well. I’ll give her this: That keeps it simple.
Ava may not care if the California senator “did this or didn’t do that,” but there are some exceptions.
Let ‘er rip, Ava…buckle up folks, this is a long one:
“[W]hat she DIDN’T DO is abandon citizens in a pandemic, rip babies from their mother’s arms at the border, send federal troops to terrorize protestors, manufacture new ways to suppress Black and Brown votes, actively disrespect Indigenous people and land, traffic in white supremacist rhetoric in an effort to stir racist violence at every turn, attempt to dismantle most American democratic systems of checks and balance, degrade women all day everyday, infect the Supreme Court with another misogynist hack, demolish America’s standing on climate, actively cultivate and further white supremacist structures and systems across all aspects of American daily life.”
That’s a lot.
The director’s yelling “Cut” on Harris-hating:
“[I] don’t wanna hear anything bad about her. It doesn’t matter to me.”
Ava’s just trying to get people to not be dagnab insane:
“Vote them in and then let’s hold them accountable. Anything other than that is insanity.”
Here’s something I don’t quite follow…she wrote that not pulling for Biden/Harris would be an act of “ego.”
It’s also a bunch of other stuff:
“It’s against our own interests. It’s selfish. It’s disrespectful to our elders. It’s nonsense. It’s talking to hear yourself talk.”
So don’t do that, and save our lives:
“This is a matter of life or death. We need all our energy focused. This is a fight for more than can be expressed here. There is no debate anymore. Not for me anyway. #voteblue2020”
I’m just guessing here, but I’d bet there are a whole lot of people who feel exactly the same way. And for those party-line partiers, Ava’s right: The debate is over.
It never had a chance to matter
Meanwhile, Ava’s got other things to tend to than saving the republic: She’s partnering in the production of Netflix’s scripted series championing Colin Kaepernick as celluloid saint.
As I covered in June, DuVernay digs the former footballer.
“With his act of protest, Colin Kaepernick ignited a national conversation about race and justice with far-reaching consequences for football, culture and for him, personally. Colin’s story has much to say about identity, sports and the enduring spirit of protest and resilience. I couldn’t be happier than to tell this story with the team at Netflix.”
Maybe the show’ll eat up the Emmys — there’s more than a good chance.
As for Selma, Ava believes she was rebuffed by a blackout:
True story. https://t.co/l7j8EUg3cC
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) June 5, 2020
Then, the nominations came out and SELMA was the first film directed by a black woman to be nominated for Best Picture and was nominated for Best Song. But, folks felt there were omissions in other areas and for other films. The mighty @ReignOfApril’s #OscarsSoWhite was born. pic.twitter.com/HiFJMx4gVb
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) December 7, 2019
Maybe this time around’s the charm.
Call it a consolation if Lucifer — I mean, Trump — wins.
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