Open Thread: Coke Is It

After a SuperBowl that was any thing but, I can understand how many would be in a bad mood. That said, I really don’t think it fair to take out those frustrations on one of the quintessential American brands. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I envy you.


During the SuperBowl Coca-Cola aired a commercial, which you can view below, that had people singing America The Beautiful. The big controversy that had some up in arms? These people were singing in there native languages.

Of course this is a ridiculous response to an ad, especially considering Coca-Cola’s American history. Over at the Coca-Cola website you can read a bit about their advertising over the course of time, including the history of their slogans.

My favorites are from 1906: The Great National Temperance Beverage, 1975: Look Up America
, and 1986: with Red, White & You.

The way I see it, the ad depicts people from many nations of the world singing our praises, that God shed His grace upon America, and that a Coca-Cola is a symbol for that blessing, that peace, that pride in being an American.

Heck, if this ad were released during the Bush years the left would be talking about the jingoistic nature of the ad and the danger of Cheney’s influence over the advertising agency that Coca-Cola contracted.

The reality is this, when the world is singing your song and drinking your brew, you shouldn’t be offended, you should realize you’ve won.

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