Trump Weighs In on Whether US Should Ditch Daylight Saving Time

AP Photo/Patrick Sison

It's back. This weekend, we engage in the "spring ahead" half of Daylight Saving Time. We lose an hour of sleep that we'll gain back in the fall, but at least the government, in its infinite wisdom, makes this happen early on Sunday morning, so most folks don't have to leap out of bed when their circadian rhythms are telling them it's an hour too soon.


President Trump was asked on Thursday what his thoughts are on ending this clock-breaking practice. His answer is a rhetorical exercise in splitting the baby.

Pres. Trump said:

Questioner (sounds like Fox News' Peter Doocy): When are you going to get rid of Daylight Savings [sic] time?

President Trump: You ready? (Laughter) So, this should be the easiest one of all. It's a 50-50 issue. There's something about a 50-50 issue that's hard to get excited about. I assume people would like to have more light later. But some people want to have more light earlier, because they don't want to take their kids to school in the dark. And, it's very much, it's a little bit one way but it's very much a 50-50 issue, and it's something I can do. But a lot of people like it one way, and a lot of people like it the other way. It's very even, and usually I find, when that's the case, what else do we have to do?

In short, Pres. Trump, usually a man who speaks his mind and speaks it plainly, pretty much ducked the question. He's probably right about it being a 50-50 issue. Lots of people like the increased light in the afternoons, and I admit, my wife and I enjoy those sunny summer afternoons when we can sit out on our deck in the sunshine with an adult beverage. 


Of course, we already have plenty of daylight in the summer. Very nearly around the clock, in fact.

Previously on RedState: Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov. 3rd - Why Not End It for Good?

Republicans Squabble Over Daylight Savings Time - Again. This Time Trump Weighs In.

Last time this issue came around, last autumn, I wrote:

...running the clocks back in the fall and ahead in the spring is an idea that's long since outlived its usefulness. It's time the states did away with it. Jump onto standard time — or daylight, whatever — just pick a time and stick with it. It will save us that little annoyance in spring and fall, and believe me, most folks these days don't have the annoyance tolerance to spare.

I'm inclined to the same opinion. This twice-yearly ritual is annoying. It is, granted, no more than annoying, and sure, the President of the United States has much bigger fish to fry. But one would think that the most powerful man on the planet could find a few moments to tell someone, "Hey, get me an EO to set (Standard or Daylight, just pick one) as the United State's official time year-round." Then sign it. These things are determined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), with support from the United States Naval Observatory. NIST is part of the Commerce Department; the president should be able to do this.


Let's do it, President Trump. Just pick a time and stick with it. Somebody's going to be unhappy no matter what you do on this issue anyway.

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