This resisting the Governor thing is spreading here in Michigan.
As I have written here in the past couple of days here at RedState, it seems that citizens and business owners are done abiding by Gov. Whitmer and her executive overreach. First, a barber resisted by reopening his shop (Read that HERE) and then a gym owner (Read that HERE) and now a sheriff.
You know, the ones who are elected to enforce laws.
According to The Hill…
A county sheriff in Michigan said Monday that his office will not enforce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) stay-at-home order intended to stop the spread of the coronavirus, which data shows has resulted in more than 47,000 cases in the state and more than 4,500 deaths.
Shiawassee County Sheriff Brian BeGole said in a written statement that he decided to share his office’s position on the governor’s executive orders after receiving “many calls” from local residents and businesses on the matter and “especially since the Michigan Legislature did not extend the state of emergency beyond April 30 as required by law.”
“The legality of that is a judicial branch determination,” BeGole said, noting his office’s “responsibility to serve and protect the citizens of Shiawassee County and to ensure their rights as described in both state and federal Constitution.”
“With limited resources, staffing and facilities, our priority focus will be on enforcing duly passed laws for the protection of Shiawassee County citizens,” he added. “I have decided, within my authority, that our office cannot and will not divert our primary resources and efforts towards enforcement of the Governor Whitmer’s executive orders.”
This is now a trend.
Sheriff Brian BeGole is now one of three other Michigan sheriffs who have come out and said they will focus on enforcing laws that the legislature has passed and not focus on executive fiats from the Governor. That he’s joining others in his profession in recognizing that this might be a bit of an overreach on the Governor’s part is a really good sign that the republic is working as the founders intended.
The Speaker of the Michigan House and the Senate Majority Leader in the Senate have filed a lawsuit stating that the Governor has overstepped her authority. The oral arguments for that case will be heard tomorrow according to the Detroit News and will eventually end up in front of the Michigan Supreme Court.
In the meantime, I’m willing to bet that more people in Michigan are going to tell the Governor “Thanks but no thanks” to staying inside and going broke over data and science she is not willing to share.
Michigan is really getting it’s bad@$$ attitude on.
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