Michigan is definitely the hub of defying orders to stay shut down during the COIVD-19 fiasco of 2020. We have America’s Barber in a fight to keep his shop open (which I wrote about earlier today right HERE) and now a MMA instructor who says that it is time to open.
Michigan is kinda bad @$$.
James Gray explained why he decided to open up to M-LIVE…
While thousands of businesses deemed non-essential are abiding by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order to stay closed to limit the spread of COVID-19, some are not.
James Gray, owner of Michigan Institute of Athletics and Scorpion Fighting System in Livingston County’s Genoa Township, near Brighton, announced in a YouTube video that after weeks of research questioning the necessity of the shutdown, he decided to reopen his gym on Monday, May 4.
“I’ve spoken to several people that are in the hot spots of what is taking place in Michigan, and I’ve compiled information that allows me to feel confident in such a difficult decision,” Gray told MLive. “I’m a man that, in the face of evidence, I will absolutely reconsider my stance, but this is why I’m making that decision.”
This undoubtedly goes against all that the Governor has been preaching about staying home and staying safe. James’ research is probably on par with the States and he is making what he feels is the best decision for his business and customers. I know some might have just punched the screen with that data comment but go and tell me where on the state’s website they have the data that the Governor is using to make these decisions? I’ll wait right here.
Even the Governor in her press conference today admitted she does not have data backing up some of her claimed about people at protests causing a more rapid spread. She is 100 percent right on that. There is nothing she can point too and say this did x yet being there are years to go to get a clear picture.
So instead of waiting for another year for a vaccine or multiple years for scientists to give us an idea what absolutely makes this thing tick, people like James are going to go back to work, all social distancing included, and possibly with face masks to add a li’l danger to the training.
Who wouldn’t get jacked up a bit if during a workout you had a masked guy charging you as you get into a stance to take them down?
I know I would.
Good luck to all those business owners who are willing too live outside the fear bubble that the media and some politicians have created and I wish you all the best. Who knows, I might stop in at Michigan Institute of Athletics to train. I know those people demanding on everyone wearing masks like them are getting vicious and I might need to protect myself.
Bring it, snitches.
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