Professor Alan Dershowitz who is fresh off of his latest stint of arguing against the impeachment of President Trump is continuing his muckraking by saying that the people who are responsible for it must go. That means time for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to take a bow and leave the stage.
He is more right than he knows.
From The Hill…
Alan Dershowitz, an associate of President Trump who served on his impeachment defense team, said Democrats need new leadership in Congress and that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) “have to go.”
“I think they need new leadership. I think Schumer and Pelosi have to go. Schumer because of his history of lying. You know, Pelosi actually called for me to be disbarred … because I had persuaded some senators” in the impeachment trial, Dershowitz said on John Catsimatidis’s radio show Sunday.
“I think the Dems need new leaders if they have any chance of returning to power,” he added.
Dershowitz’s comments come days after the conclusion of the Senate’s acrimonious impeachment trial.
The movement has already begun to dump Pelosi in the House of Representatives regardless if the Democrats keep the majority after November or not. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the rest of the Progressive Cheer Squad are already starting to move against Madame Speaker being she did not conduct the impeachment correctly in their view. Also, Pelosi is seen as part of the old guard that is against their super geriatric hero Bernie Sanders winning the nomination.
Schumer has a bit of an easier road, though at least he can lie and say he got Mitt Romney to flip on impeachment. But the truth is he had nothing to do with it. Mitt was going to do that anyway being that is how Romney is. Plus the Senate is much more laid back than the House is and Schumer would be able to fend off any leadership fight.
Pelosi won’t be able to.
In Dershowitz’s long, storied career this might be the least controversial of all his deeds and comments but he is spot on predicting what is going to happen here. Dershowitz is a Democrat so he has some ties left and is just acknowledging what a lot of political observers have noticed.
In the Age of Trump, Pelosi and Schumer are outmatched and need to be replaced.
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