You have to hand it to these climate protestors: They pull these stunts that they think will bring attention to their cause (they do) and also bring sympathy (they DO NOT) and gain them recruits.
A really fun group called Extinction Rebellion has been staging protests in England and specifically around London. Last week, they decided to gum up the airport and try to delay people from getting to and from the terminals to make a point. One individual even decided to climb on top of an airplane to see if he could hold on at around 500 MPH at 33,000 feet.
According to The Guardian…
More than 1,100 people have been arrested since the start of Extinction Rebellion’s protests this week in London, including 50 who were detained at City airport on Thursday.
Those arrested at the airport included James Brown, a partially-sighted former Paralympian who climbed on top of a British Airways aircraft, while another man, who boarded a flight to Dublin and stood up to speak about the effects of the climate crisis, was held for failing to comply with the orders of a captain. On Thursday night the Metropolitan police said there had been 1,112 arrests in
connection with the protests across London.While the bulk of activists failed to penetrate security and get inside airport terminals, as they had hoped, protests were staged at the airport’s Docklands Light Railway station, outside its main entrance and on roads leading to the site.
Personally, I think if they want to climb on top of an airplane for a protest, let them. Have the crew inside the cabin take bets to see how long this Einstein can hold on and then pay off in free drinks to the winner.
Whatever happened to dying for the cause, lads?
Unfortunately, now that Greta Thunberg has lost the Nobel Peace Prize and the Oscar nominations have not yet come out, these protests are likely to continue, being as these folks ACTUALLY think the world is ending in 12 years.
As I pointed out in my article yesterday here at Red State [READ] CLIMATE FLASHBACK: In 1978 Mr. Spock Told Us Another Ice Age Would Be Here By Now, if Mr. Spock got this wrong 40 years ago, you most likely got it wrong also.
Let’s face it — if you really thought the world was ending you would stop paying off your student loans, stop working and probably just hang out at a park drinking booze and coming up with whacky ideas like sitting on top of a plane.
Oh crap.
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