Pastor Robert Jeffress Tells Christians to "Move On" From Gay Marriage Issue

I’ve been accused on these very pages of being “self-righteous” in my warnings to fellow Christians and their support of an ungodly man, Donald Trump.

Let’s start this by getting it out there that it’s not my righteousness that I’m concerned with, but that of my Father in Heaven. What His Word declares as just is just, and what He says is corrupt is corrupt.


No president, governor, or SCOTUS determines what is right. They are merely arbiters of the authority granted to them by the people.

Further, the people are the culture, and if the culture strives to be right with God’s Word, so will the government.

And here we are.

Out of this whole, sorry election season, where the world seemed to turn upside down, nothing disgusted me more than the pastors who rushed to Trump’s side and defended the indefensible. Their fear of man and SCOTUS caused them to make compromises to what was supposed to be their faith.

“And let us not be weary now that we are working for good, for in the season of reaping, we will not faint.” – Galatians 6:9 AENT

Enter Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, and early cheerleader for Donald Trump.

Last week, the Christian Post reported on a Jeffress interview, where he stated that he had to “argue against” Catholics and evangelicals who opposed Trump’s support of gay marriage.

“This is not going to be re-litigated by the Supreme Court. That is the law of the land. I wish it were different, but it’s not different. And actually I had to argue against some hard-right Catholics and evangelicals who wanted to make that a campaign issue. I said ‘guys, forget it. It’s over. We need to go on to other things, like protecting the unborn,'” the pastor said in an interview on Good Morning Texas posted on Thursday.


But abortion is the law of the land, ruled on by the same SCOTUS that handed us gay marriage. Both issues are clearly spelled out as corrupt by God’s Word, so what does it say about a pastor who would dismiss the concerns of Christians that object to either of them?

Trump also spoke about overturning the decision when he was campaigning.

But in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” program earlier in November after his victory, Trump said that he was not interested in seeking to overturn the decision.

“It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done,” Trump said at the time.

“It’s done. … These cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled. And, I’m fine with that,” he added.

And if that’s his personal opinion, then he shares it with many Americans.

As a pastor, however, Jeffress, who maintains that he is personally against it, should not be so casual about it, nor should he be arguing against those who have a problem with it and want a voice in government.

If Jeffress is not telling his congregation to “get over it” and “move on,” then what right does he have telling other Christians to abandon that segment of their principles?


If he is telling his congregation to get over it, then he needs to be removed from his position as a pastor, because he has spoken directly against the Word of God that he is supposed to be professing.

God has not changed who He is. If it was important enough to be included in His Word, then He meant it.

It is Robert Jeffress’ responsibility as a pastor to be as Biblically-faithful in what he teaches, as possible.

Boldly proclaiming that you advised others to soften their stance on Biblical principles, for whatever reason, is not the act of a man fully committed to God’s Word.


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