Never Trump Senator Invokes Rule 9 of GOP National Rules as Opportunity to Dump Trump

OH, the plea of my heart!

Gordon Humphrey, who backed Ohio Gov. John Kasich during the primary, wrote a letter Tuesday to New Hampshire’s three representatives to the Republican National Committee — state party chairwoman Jennifer Horn, committeeman Steve Duprey and committeewoman Juliana Bergeron. He urged them to invoke a clause in the party’s rules empowering RNC leadership and Chairman Reince Priebus to replace its nominee.

“If this is not the straw that breaks the camel’s back, if this outrage is not sufficient to inspire courage in the Republican leadership, not just Reince Priebus but Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, then surely the Republican Party has lost its moral conscience,” he said in a phone interview.


Humphrey isn’t alone. Many of us have been screaming at the top of our lungs about this from Day One.

Delegates screamed about this at the convention, but were shut down.

Likewise, Bergeron shut down Humphrey.

It’s as if those at the top of the party have no desire to win this election. We know Trump doesn’t.

“While I have the greatest respect for Senator Humphrey, it is time to support the Republican candidate or we will be watching Hillary’s inauguration,” she said. “That said, I do sometimes wish Mr. Trump would choose his words more carefully so they could not be misconstrued.”

Only sometimes?

Committeewoman Bergeron is now officially the most tone deaf woman in New Hampshire.

Trump is in continual gaffe-mode. He will not be winning this election, barring some seismic event that takes Clinton out.

Rule 9 of the national GOP rules permits RNC leaders to fill presidential candidate vacancies “which may occur by death, declination, or otherwise.” Humphrey argues that the word “otherwise” would apply to Trump’s case.

Humphrey told POLITICO he had yet to hear back from the New Hampshire RNC members. But he suggested that the 25th Amendment of the Constitution — which prescribes procedures for the vice president and cabinet to declare a president unfit to serve — should be viewed as precedent.

“The RNC would not be powerless if a candidate fell into a coma from which recovery was uncertain,” he wrote in his letter. to the New Hampshire RNC members. “In that circumstance the RNC would act under a duty to the Party and a moral duty to the nation to replace the nominee. Likewise, when a candidate repeated [sic] evidences unsoundness of mind, the RNC has a duty to act. The time is now.”


Humphrey makes a great point, but he, like other members of “Never Trump” is fighting an uphill battle against entrenched apparatchiks, who are determined to stay the course, even as it appears the destruction of the party is eminent.


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