The Queen is dead! Long live the Queen!
That’s what the RINOs running the Republican Party would have us all believe. Since Donald Trump is the flavor of the day among rank-and-file Republicans (and much, much more!), the RINOs in the House GOP conference think that we will be satisfied with their tossing a NeverTrumper (Liz Cheney, RINO-WY) for the “up-and-coming” Elise Stefanik (RINO-NY) as the number three ranking House Republican and GOP conference chairman.
Stefanik gave a good public performance during the first and second impeachment farces, as well as in the aftermath of the November election, gaining national attention and support among Trump backers for her vigorous defense of the president. That was a political no-brainer for a Republican, as Trump loyalty is the number one virtue in the eyes of many Republican voters. Rightfully so, give his lengthy list of accomplishments and promises kept, in contrast to The Hologram’s America Last campaign to blow up the US and the world.
Yeah, that looked good: replacing the execrable Cheney for a new “bright light” who appears to be a Trump supporter. Are we to be fooled by the Republican kabuki? I don’t think so, as the House GOP conference gave Cheney a standing O after she got booted last Wednesday. What up with that? Especially given the chronology of Cheney’s descent into political limbo and irrelevance, as previously reported here:
On 3 January she “quietly orchestrated a Washington Post op-ed by 10 living former defense secretaries cautioning that then-President Trump might attempt to politicize the military.” That revelation wasn’t made known until 7 May. Given the timing of that op-ed and her vehement anti-Trump statements that began 3 days later, one wonders what she knew about the 6 January riot.
On 13 January she joined nine other execrable House Republicans “to impeach President Donald Trump for his role in inciting a riot in the U.S. Capitol.”
On 20 January “Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard (R) has initiated a 2022 [primary] challenge against Cheney, according to a statement of candidacy filed on Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission.” [The number of her primary challengers is now up to four.]
On 6 February she was censured by the Wyoming Republican Party for “disregard[ing] the will of Wyoming residents, who overwhelmingly supported Trump.”
On 3 May in doubling down on her contempt for former President Trump and his public statements calling the election of The Hologram “The Big Lie,” she claimed in a tweet, “The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.” [Hold your beer on this until her descent chronology is finished.]
On 4 May Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Steve Doocy on a hot mic before a live interview on Fox and Friends, “I’ve had it with … I’ve had it with [Cheney]. You know, I’ve lost confidence. … Well, someone just has to bring a motion, but I assume that will probably take place.”
On 9 May, McCarthy told Maria Bartiromo in a Fox News interview that he officially supported Elise Stefanik (R-NY) as the replacement for Cheney’s House Republican leadership position.
On 12 May, she was ousted as GOP Conference Chair (the #3 leadership position in the House Republican caucus) in an “overwhelming voice vote.” After the vote, she told reporters that “she will do ‘everything’ she can to ensure Trump ‘never gets anywhere near the Oval Office.’”
House RINOs are attempting to save themselves from the fury of Republican voters scorned, so Liz is gone, and it’s now, “Hurrah for Queen Elise! A new bright light in the House Republican firmament!”
Hold my beer. Let us look at some Republican rankings from Conservative Review, which is described in Conservapedia as:
An indispensable source to find where a member of Congress stands on the conservative spectrum. Mark Levin is Editor-in-Chief and the organization is staffed by former conservative congressional staff, policy experts, activists, and media personalities.
The Liberty Score grades members of Congress using long-term voting records, “to separate rhetoric from reality.” Voting with the conservative position earns 1 point, voting against the conservative position earns nothing. Missed votes are not included in a member of Congress’ score.
Note Stefanik’s Liberty Score ranking below; she received an F (and not all that much better than the Communist Fauxcahontas):

Stefanik’s score is 27 points below Cheney’s!

Somehow House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (RINO-CA) and the rest of what passes for Republican “leadership” didn’t mention this little factoid in their endless praise of Stefanik. But then why would they, as here are their own Liberty Scores:
- Minority Leader McCarthy – 46% F
- House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (LA) – 49% F
- Vice-Chairman of the House Republican Conference Mike Johnson (LA) – 76% C
- Secretary of the House Republican Conference Richard Hudson (NC) – 74% C
- Chair of the House Republican Policy Committee Gary Palmer (AL) – 84% B
- Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee Tom Emmer (MN) – 80% B
- House Republican Chief Deputy Whip Drew Ferguson (GA) – 57% F
Toss in Stefanik at 36%, and that’s a 63% D average! No wonder the Republican House has been knuckling under to the Democrat legislative steamroller since 20 January, with only a squawk here and a squawk there to keep us fooled. No concerted and coordinated campaign to educate the public and put pressure on the Democrats, as should have happened from Day One of The Hologram’s regime. Can’t recall ever seeing Hudson, Palmer, Emmer, or Ferguson on the public airwaves, railing against the Democrats’ America Last agenda that is destroying the country. And the icing on the cake was this travesty on Friday:
A group of House Democrats and Republicans announced Friday that they had struck a deal to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, a significant breakthrough after months of partisan standoff over the mandate for such a panel — and whether it should exist at all.
The top Republican on that commission? Why that would be John Katko (RINO-NY), who was one of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump on 13 January. I am absolutely certain he would never vote with the five partisan Democrats on that witch hunt commission to go down subpoena rabbit holes in pursuit of Democrat insurrection conspiracies theories, aren’t you? And his Liberty Score from Conservative Review? Another F score at 33%!
It’s not like there are no conservatives in the House Republican conference, but they are shut out of leadership positions by design. Here are a few of them, along with their Conservative Review Liberty Scores:
- Paul Gosar (R-AZ): 98%
- Thomas Massie (R-KY): 96%
- Jim Jordan (R-OH): 94%
- Jeff Duncan (R-SC): 94%
- Jody Hice (R-GA): 92%
- Louis Gohmert (R-TX): 92%
- David Schweikert (R-AZ): 88%
I also happen to like three new bulldogs: Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Michelle Fischbach (R-MN), and Lauren Boebert (R-CO). Their Liberty Scores are a perfect 100%. These are the people we need in leadership positions in the House Republican conference – people who actually fight back against the Democrats’ Communist agenda and vote for liberty in accordance with the US Constitution.
We have a lot of work to do in the 2022 Republican primaries if we want to avoid the catastrophe of having RINOs ad infinitum — which is what will happen if we fall for their continuing kabuki. As for Elise Stefanik, let us see if her Trump-supporting actions in the future match her words.
The end.
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