It was epic. A Black Lives Matter mob in St. Louis broke through a gate into a gated community, allegedly on their way to demonstrate at the home of the mayor, but trespassed on the property of Mark and Patricia McCloskey. Some of the mob was armed. A lot of it acted threatening. Rather than cower in their home and hope that the police eventually got around to caring, the McCloskey’s took he bull by the horns and exercised their Second Amendment rights:
In a sane political climate, this would never have happened. But in a sane political climate if it had happened you wouldn’t have had the district attorney, George Soros owned Kimberley Gardner (over $190,000 in Soros super PAC money went to her in the last election) tripping over herself in an effort to fly top cover for a trespassing mob and to prosecute two homeowners who the police had ruled acted appropriately. On the day after the event, Gardner put the McCloskey’s on notice that she intended to drop the hammer on them for having the audacity to stand up to Gardner’s favorite mob:
I am alarmed at the events that occurred over the weekend, where peaceful protesters were met by guns and a violent assault. We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated. My office is currently working with the public and the police to investigate these events. Make no mistake: We will not tolerate the use of force against those exercising their First Amendment rights and will use the full power of Missouri law to hold people accountable.
A few days later, police executed a search warrant on the McCloskey home and seized the weapons used in the incident.
Attorney Albert Watkins turns over a hand gun to law enforcement in response to a search warrant issued on the house of the McCloskeys. Mrs. McCloskey allegedly pointed the gun at protesters on June 28. pic.twitter.com/ADVtXQn5e8
— David Mueth (@DavidMueth) July 11, 2020
In an interview with Tucker Carlson shortly after the police search their home, Mark McCloskey confided that he and his wife fully expected to be indicted. However, no one knows what the charges could be considering the totality of the circumstances, by Gardner directed grand jury to make a point that the BLM crowd is a quasi-official organization protected by Gardner.
This move to punish the McCloskeys for standing up to Gardner’s rent-a-mob has not gone unnoticed. Josh Hawley asked Attorney General Bill Barr to open up a civil rights investigation into whether Gardner’s actions constituted a violation of the rights of the McCloskey’s:
This is an unacceptable abuse of power and threat to the Second Amendment. I urge you to consider a federal civil rights investigation into the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office to determine whether this investigation and impending prosecution violates this family’s constitutional right.
More importantly, Missouri Governor Mike Parson has taken notice.
On Friday, he was on The Marc Cox Morning Show on 97.1 FM in St. Louis and made it clear that unless there were significant facts that he was unaware of, that the McCloskey’s were home free:
“A mob does not have the right to charge your property. They had every right to protect themselves,” he said.
Asked whether he would consider a pardon if charges were filed, Parsons said, “I think that’s exactly what would happen.”
“Right now, that’s what I feel,” he said. “You don’t know until you hear all the facts. But right now, if this is all about going after them for doing a lawful act, then yeah, if that scenario ever happened, I don’t think they’re going to spend any time in jail.”
He followed the show up with this tweet.
We will not allow law-abiding citizens to be targeted for exercising their constitutional rights. https://t.co/6t5dUxdVgp
— Mike Parson (@mikeparson) July 18, 2020
Though Parson’s announcement is totally correct, it points toward a scary trend of executive power being the only brake on politically contrived prosecutions. We’ve seen it with the Russia Hoax investigation where Mike Flynn is on the cusp of walking free only because the Attorney General knocked down the barriers the FBI and Department of Justice had thrown up to prevent Flynn from receiving a fair hearing. It took executive action by President Trump to keep Roger Stone from going to prison for the same offense that got Eric Holder made partner at a Blue Chip law firm. The left has weaponized criminal investigations to take vengeance on political enemies. They are weaponizing street violence as a way of aggrandizing power. They are now weaponizing the use of the legal system to protect their pet street hooligans from any repercussions from their actions. As a society, we cannot survive if this becomes business as usual.
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