Yesterday, an attempt by the antifa or their sympathizers — which, I’m reliably told by the political correspondents at CNN who are temporarily self-identifying as men does not exist — to remove a Christopher Columbus statue in South Philly went seriously off the rails.
Columbus has become a target of these people because his arrival in the New World marked the beginning of the end of a bloody regime of paganism built upon the practices of human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism which seem to be coming back into vogue on the left.
Here’s the incident told, just for grins, from the viewpoint of the wannabe terrorist douchebag who wanted to deface or destroy it:
Racist vigilantes gathering with bats and guns at the statue of Christopher Columbus at Columbus Square in South Philadelphia, some of them just assaulted our reporter pic.twitter.com/kvUn9dLTaV
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) June 14, 2020
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) June 14, 2020
Let me observe that this assclown’s situational awareness is nil. This is a pampered, privileged twit who doesn’t know when his audience is not in the mood to listen to neo-Marxist dialectic.
Several guns, bats and sticks carried by white vigilantes here at Columbus square in South Philly to “protect” the Columbus statue. Police have been visibly quite friendly with this group pic.twitter.com/tu3IRZLHs7
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) June 14, 2020
The crowd of aggravated South Philly Italian Columbus statue defenders applaud and cheers for the police as some officers leave the area pic.twitter.com/VDlh9c9N7N
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) June 14, 2020
We are no longer able to document the ongoing, escalating Marconi Plaza South Philadelphia vigilante incident after @PhillyPolice ordered us to leave or be arrested. We were told we no longer had the right to document this event. pic.twitter.com/U6kRm7owXl
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) June 14, 2020
You can almost see it pounding its tiny, impotent fists of fury on the ground.
Good for these guys. This is the kind of reaction these people need to get more often. As a rule, I don’t really approve of mob violence but there are times when the outrage of the community deserves to have a voice. If torching police cars was a justifiable reaction to the George Floyd killing, then a pseudo-journalist with no byline anywhere getting sent packing for accusing people he doesn’t even know of being racist was justified. All in all, I think the gentlemen defending the statue were remarkably restrained.
We are aware of this apparent assault, as well as restrictions placed on journalists documenting the event. These incidents are both under investigation at this time.
— Philadelphia Police (@PhillyPolice) June 14, 2020
I’m sure they’ll be right on it.
I think that if this nonsense continues were going to see more and more of this and the people who are demanding the disbanding of police forces and using violence to bully the legal system into prosecuting police officers are going to discover that the world they are creating, a world where the police have decided it is safer to not intervene in dangerous situations than to put their career and freedom on the line, is not going to work out all that well for them.
If governments won’t protect the public square from barbarism, other social forces will. Remember that there’s another segment of America that is heavily and lawfully armed…. https://t.co/XOyhPlEGbh
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) June 14, 2020
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