Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., pauses while speaking to members of the media outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, after his meeting with President Donald Trump, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee are engaged in a monstrous circle-jerk, with Fat Jerry starring as Pivot Man, over whether being a big meany pants to Congress is an impeachable offense.
The lead off statement by the senators was from the chairman, South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham. He starts out by taking head-on the argument that there was no bias on the part of FBI investigators.
Strzok, the front line supervisor: February 12, 2016.”Oh he (Trump) abysmal. I keep hoping the charade will end and that and people will just dump him. The problem then is that Rubio will likely lose to Cruz.”
I never quite made it and I can understand why they wouldn’t consider me a serious candidate.
“The Republican party is utter shambles. When was the last competitive ticket they offered.”
March 3, 2016. Page: “God, Trump is a loathsome human.”
Strzok: “Omigod. He’s an idiot.”
You know what, in news rooms all over the country people are nodding. This represents the attitude of a lot of people in America and you can have that attitude. But you shouldn’t be in the journalism business and you shouldn’t be at the FBI. If you were in the military and you said anything like this about a commander in chief, you’d be charged with a crime.
Remember the McChrystal debacle? Where they had a barroom discussion with a reporter from the Rolling Stone. What’s the takeaway? Don’t go to the bar with a Rolling Stone reporter. The started talking about how they didn’t like Joe Biden, and I was one of the first people to say, “That is out of bounds.” You can have all the political opinions you want, but if you are an officer in the US military you will park those opinions and you will not speak ill of the commander in chief. But that is obviously not a rule at the FBI or Department of Justice.
March 16, 2016. “I cannot believe that Donald Trump is likely to be actual a serious candidate for president.”
July 16, 2106. We’re getting closer to when this thing opened. “And, wow, Donald Trump is an enormous douche.”
"August 26, 2016 — 'Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could smell the Trump support.'"
Sen. #LindseyGraham reads texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page at Senate Judiciary Hearing. https://t.co/c2LPQQgIP1 pic.twitter.com/F5a65t8nBM
— The Hill (@thehill) December 11, 2019
“This matters because this [air quotes] matters. Super glad to be on this voyage with you.”
I hope you understand what this voyage was about.
August 8, 2016. Three days before Strzok was named the frontline supervisor. “He’s not ever going to become president, right?” Page to Strzok. Strzok: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”
These are the people in charge.
August 15, 2016. “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office, that there’s no way he gets elected. But I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”
That the American people will pick their president is what he’s saying.
“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event that you die before you’re forty.”
August 26, 2016. “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could smell the Trump support.”
People in charge.
October 11, 2016. “Currently fighting with Stu for the FISA.”
Stu was a lawyer who thought this thing was no on the up and up. Stood his ground until he couldn’t stand it anymore.
This issue of motive is one that Horowitz did not take on because he had to rely upon documentary evidence to show bias. Even and FBI that was in the bag for Hillary Clinton and which was acting as part of her campaign would have been too cagey to put their motives in writing. Unlike Mr. Horowitz, we are not bound by documentary evidence. We can rely on our own eyes and our own common sense. The bias against Trump within the FBI was both deep and strong. That bias was demonstrated by their actions and by their words.
“If you got a guy who hates Trump's guts from day one, thinks Pence is stupid and everybody who voted for Trump is an idiot and you give him power over Trump maybe you're making a mistake.”@LindseyGrahamSC is killing it 🔥
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 11, 2019
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