Pope Francis asperges holy water as he celebrates a Pentecost mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, at the Vatican, Sunday, May 20, 2018. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Just a few days ago I posted on my speculation that the US news media would suddenly find urgent business elsewhere as the slow-rolling scandal involving former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick matured.
A couple of weeks ago, a Pennsylvania grand jury issued a report detailing the sexual abuse of about a thousand minors–mostly boys–by something over 300 Catholic priests. There was a lot of outrage which has rapidly died away for a simple reason. The most recent of the cases was about twenty years old. A lot of the priests named are dead. Some of the remaining are in prison. Virtually all of the cases have already resulted in settlements to the victims. None of this is to in any way excuse what happened but simply to point out that the grand jury report was much more an aggregation of what had already happened, but had been reported in dribs and drabs, than breaking new ground. Of course, in that mix were several bishops, nearly all now deceased, who had covered up the abuse and actually sheltered abusers.
About the same time another revelation slipped out via Catholic News Agency about sexual misconduct by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. While this was all rolled into the media coverage about priests abusing children, it was quite a different story. It had much more in common with the #MeToo stories than it did with anything reported by the Pennsylvania grand jury. McCarrick’s victims were adult men in the seminary he oversaw at Seton Hall University. This was followed up by a stunning letter written by the former Papal Nuncio to the United States saying that McCarrick had been ordered by Pope Benedict into a life of seclusion but had been rehabilitated by Pope Francis. And, as we are seeing, Francis does not take the sexual abuse scandal all that seriously. Former Los Angeles Archbishop and renowned heretic Roger Mahoney was ordered into seclusion for his role in covering up child sex abuse, he was not only restored to public life by Francis but rewarded:
Jan.31st, 2013: Cd.Roger Mahony "will no longer have any public duties" because of his role in the sex abuse cover-up
Jan.13th, 2018: #PopeFrancis "appointed Cd.Mahony as his special envoy at the celebration of the 150º anniversary of the diocese of Scranton"@ProtecttheFaith pic.twitter.com/7NExZEOOIW
— João (@JoaoMMXIV) August 31, 2018
This is how is closed the post:
Now you are about to see the most amazing thing ever as the media, which has spent the better part of two decades directly attacking the Catholic Church, suddenly circle the wagons to defend McCarrick and Pope Francis from his accuser because the obvious solution to this problem is crystal clear even to Pope Francis:
“Keep an eye on the admissions to seminaries, keep your eyes open,” the pope was quoted as saying by newspaper La Stampa’s Vatican Insider service. “If in doubt, better not let them enter.”
Archbishop Viganò belongs to a camp of traditionalist Catholics deeply critical of Pope Francis, and blames homosexuals for the child abuse crisis that has destroyed the church’s standing, writes our man in the Vatican, @jasondhorowitz. https://t.co/hvnviZbcSW
— Ellen Barry (@EllenBarryNYT) August 26, 2018
And they are going to do there level best to sandbag these allegations because admitting that homosexual men are engaged in the systemic sexual abuse of other men under their power is something neither the New York Times nor any other mainstream media outlet will do.
How did that prediction play out?
Unbeleivable. The New York Times calls Pope Francis' stonewalling about whether he covered for Uncle Ted McCarrick's penchant for sex with seminarians as "the high road"! Of course, the NYT has been useless on McCarrick from the start, anyway, so … https://t.co/mwYGhkBMGa
— Edward Peters (@canonlaw) August 29, 2018
Sickening and malicious libel https://t.co/caGizWcHzq
— Fr. Kevin M. Cusick, LCDR (Ret.)🇻🇦 (@IntroiboAdAltar) August 31, 2018
The Catholic clergy do not have a pedophile problem as much as they have an sexually-active homosexual problem.
So well-known was McCarrick’s reputation, the priest said, that when McCarrick would accompany Cooke to visit the seminary there was a standing joke that they had to “hide the handsome ones” before he arrived.
The priest said that McCarrick would often place his hand on seminarians while talking with them, or on their thighs while seated near them.“It was really unnerving. On the one hand you knew – knew – what was going on but you couldn’t believe it.”
In recent years, several priests said, Weiner is known for hosting cocktail parties in his rectory, which other homosexual priests of the archdiocese are known to attend.Three Newark priests independently gave CNA nearly identical accounts of being invited to these parties when they were newly ordained.
One recalled that he attended a cocktail party, thinking he had been invited to a simple priests’ dinner. “I was led into the room to a chorus of wolf-whistles,” he said. “It was clear right away I was ‘on display.’”
Another priest told CNA that he was also invited to a party hosted by the priest. “They were all carrying big mixed drinks, pink ones, it was like something out of Sex in City.”
He recalled that after asking for a beer, he was told by his host, “you need to try something more girly tonight.”
All recounted overtly sexual conversation at the cocktail parties. “I was fresh meat and they were trying me out,” one priest said.
All three said they left quickly upon realizing what was going on. “Everyone was getting loaded and getting closer on the couches, I wanted out of there,” a priest told CNA.
“Everyone kept calling me a ‘looker’ and saying they had to ‘keep me around’ from now on,” a third Newark priest told CNA.
One priest who studied during that period recalled being told, as a newly arrived seminarian, to lock his bedroom door at night to avoid “visitors.”“I thought they were kidding – they really weren’t,” he said.
McCarrick’s hijinx cost his diocese over $180,000 to settle claims by seminarians who had been sexually molested. And yet, with the assistance, it seems, from powerful friends he was appointed Archbishop of Washington, DC, and made cardinal. Had the issue of Cardinal McCarrick not broken concurrent with media attention on the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that story would only have been circulated in conservative Catholic circles.
The crisis facing the media is whether they are true to their alleged “journalistic integrity” and cover an egregious abuse of power by an informally (we hope) syndicate of very power predatory homosexual bishops and their willing acolytes or do they help the Vatican bunker up and wait this out. Ordinarily this would be a no-brainer. But now the media find themselves allied with the forces of evil attempting a cover up. Politically, the media are very much in sync with the corrupt institutional forces in the Church. This from McCarrick’s hand-picked Archbishop of Chicago (” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>see the letter from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in my post to understand what I mean by McCarrick hand-picking him)
Outrageous: “The Pope has a bigger agenda," Cardinal Cupich said. "He's got to get on with other things, of talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the church. We're not going to go down a rabbit hole on this." https://t.co/scG0BeWvJc
— Ryan T. Anderson (@RyanTAnd) August 28, 2018
This is not the message of a prelate interested in excising evil from the seminaries. And this is not a Pope who cares about homosexual grooming gangs having free run of his seminaries:
And don’t think for a second that this problem is unique to the American Church. The Honduran Church is reeling under a similar scandal in its premier seminary…run by Francis crony Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga.
While the media is attempting to spin this as a “civil war” led by revanchist conservatives trying to move the Church back to the Middle Ages against a very progressive Pope, the split in the Church is actually between those who believe in its teachings and those who see it as a social justice project with some archaic and discardable beliefs.
In the end, the media will throw the victims under the bus and work to discredit all allegations. Why? Because the predators are sexually active male homosexuals, a holy class in most newsrooms. And the victims are straight males who actually believe that religious hokum.
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