Senate Minority Leader Sen. Charles Schumer of N.Y., speaks following a Democratic policy luncheon on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
If Vladimir Putin had wanted to do a better job at disrupting US politics, instead of investing in Facebook ads and bots he should have made a six-figure donation to Chuck Schumer’s PAC in exchange for a few lessons.
As you are aware, President Trump made the mistake (a foreseeable one) of having a private meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Dinner ended, Schumer and Pelosi issued a joint statement on what was decided. Trump was caught like the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor around 7:48am on December 7, 1941. He had no announcement ready to go. he had no friendly witnesses at dinner. No one on his staff knew or knows what he agreed to. In fact, based on what we’ve seen over the past seven months, it is entirely possible that Trump, himself, isn’t all that sure what he agreed to beyond cutting a deal. Today will be spent on damage control and it will probably dominate the Sunday shows barring some unforeseen catastrophe.
When the spit hit the spam earlier today and the talismanic word “amnesty” started being hurled about, the White House seems to have been shocked that a large part of the coalition that elected Trump was not happy with the deal. To give an example of the confusion that is reigning in the White House today over what happened at dinner, here is White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters aboard Air Force One:
This is about as ugly as it gets for a spokesman.
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