Fifteen Democrat run states have joined together in a lawsuit that seeks to prevent President Trump from winding down the DACA program.
Fifteen states and the District of Columbia sued Wednesday to block President Donald Trump’s plan to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation — an act Washington state’s attorney general called part of a “dark time for our country.”
The lawsuit filed in federal court in Brooklyn asked a judge to conclude that the president’s action involving the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, is unconstitutional.
It called the move “a culmination of President Trump’s oft-stated commitments … to punish and disparage people with Mexican roots.”
Rescinding DACA will also injure state-run colleges and universities, upset workplaces and damage companies and economies that include immigrants covered under the program, the lawsuit says.
“The consequence of the president’s animus-driven decision is that approximately 800,000 persons who have availed themselves of the program will ultimately lose its protections” and be exposed to deportation, the lawsuit says.
In essence they are filing the same lawsuit used to attack the Trump’s travel restrictions executive order but they used search-and-replace.
These are the states
Here’s full list of 15 states suing Trump over DACA, according to a new court filing. pic.twitter.com/it9a1zorbj
— Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) September 6, 2017
This is a link to the lawsuit
[documentcloud url=”https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3987492-New-York-v-Trump-Complaint.html” width=”580″]
I don’t pretend to know how this will play out. We’ve seen time and again that federal judges have no reservations whatsoever about substituting their own ideas of what the law should be in place of what the law actually is. How these states plan on justifying a DREAMer having a legal right to stay in the US because the state will lose income and not agree that the illegal nanny and landscaper and waiter and cab driver don’t have the same right remains to be seen.
You have Obama saying the measure is temporary
You have Obama explaining why the President can’t change law:
And you have the implementing memorandum itself:
But I have no doubt that if a sufficiently tamed and stump-broke judge is found, we will suddenly discover that DACA is the law of the land.
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