BREAKING. Actually Suspends An Editor For Saying Stupid Stuff

Vox-Credibility 2

Yesterday one of the editors, a twenty-something named Emmett Rensin, at the leftwing parody site,, (motto: the smartest thinkers, the toughest questions. I swear, people, I am not making that up) went on a tirade against Donald Trump. It was no ordinary tirade. It actually encouraged people to riot.


eh?? Normal ISN’T better?

There is a lot more in that conversation and it is interesting to watch Rensin try to walk back his tweets from flat out “go riot” to “I don’t really think Trump is a threat but all you idiots have said he is a threat and therefore you should support rioters who believe your threats.”


In the end, Ezra Klein decided that while a bridge from Gaza to the West Bank was merely an error of geography, this was a bit much… even by standards:

vox rensin

Klein made the right decision. There has been entirely too much flippancy expressed about rioters. A lot of things I’ve seen by people who should be allies is actually worse than this. At least Rensin explicitly puts physical violence against people off limits

Too many on our side seem to be fine with people getting beaten down simply because their politics are wrong.


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