Everyone knows that Tennessee Senator Bob Corker is campaigning his ass off to be Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee. For instance:
GOP Senators Praise Corker as Potential Trump VP
Could This Former Real Estate Mogul Be at the Top of Trump’s V.P. List?
Donald Trump plans to meet with Bob Corker as VP decision looms
I don’t understand why any sane man would want the job but I’ve followed Corker’s shenanigans in the Senate closely enough to know that sanity will not be part of the decisionmaking process. It was Corker, after all, that came up with the Byzantine method of allowing Obama’s tragic and stupid agreement with Iran being presented to the Senate as a fait accompli needing 2/3 vote to override, rather than as a treaty that had to receive consent.
Now we have proof that Corker will be Trump’s first choice for VP:
The FBI and Securities and Exchange Commission are scrutinizing Tennessee GOP Sen. Bob Corker’s personal finances, including stock transactions involving one of the nation’s top developers of shopping centers and malls, according to multiple sources familiar with the probe.
Corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and a potential vice presidential pick, failed to report millions of dollars in assets and income on his annual financial disclosure until The Wall Street Journal revealed the discrepancy last fall. In the wake of that report, Corker was forced to revise years’ worth of disclosure reports.
Anyone surprised? Nope?
This investigation, far from a disqualifier, makes Corker highly qualified to join an Donald Trump administration. Because Trump only hires the best people.
If you look at the team of losers, marginal humans, and genuine misfits that he has gathered, who would fit in better than a mildly addled US Senator who sold out his nation for a round or two of golf with Obama and might very well be a crook in the bargain.
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