Last week, Indiana Governor Mike Pence had the opportunity to make the most important primary endorsement by any governor in the nation. His state will largely decide whether Donald Trump is able to win the GOP nomination on the first ballot or if it goes to a second and succeeding ballot where he will be repudiated. Pence is locked in a tight reelection battle and decided to give Senator Ted Cruz a very tepid endorsement. The idea, or so it is said, was that Pence didn’t want to anger Trump supporters. He will find that what he did was anger Trump supporters and piss of Cruz supporters. But that is what happens when you lack courage… moral, physical, or political.
It took Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, writing in the Indianapolis Star, to give Ted Cruz the endorsement Mike Pence should have given:
It has been my honor to follow in the footsteps of your great former Gov. Mitch Daniels who was one of the best reformers in the country. And I am proud to call your current Gov. Mike Pence a friend. He too knows how to reform government.
Mitch and Mike have shown what principled conservative leadership looks like and the people of Indiana are better off because of it. We have a chance to elect that same kind of leader as our next president. That is why I ask you to join me and vote for Ted Cruz.
First, Ted is a constitutional conservative. He knows that our Founders intended for power to flow to the states and to the people; and not be concentrated in Washington, D.C.
Second, Ted will take on the big government special interests in Washington and win. He will not back down. He doesn’t play the go-along-to-get-along game. He is an outsider who will shake things up and put you back in charge of your federal government.
Third, Ted can win. He is the only candidate left who can both win the nomination and win in the fall against Hillary Clinton. Two candidates have enough delegates to win on the early ballots at the Republican National Convention. Two candidates have shown that they are with in striking distance of defeating Clinton. Only one can do both: Ted Cruz.Jobs. Freedom. Security. If you care about these issues and you want a president who will actually do something about it, please vote for Ted Cruz on Tuesday.
Everyone understands Pence is in a tenuous position in his reelection. But if you are running to be a leader then you have to lead. You can’t look at a looming disaster, like a Trump candidacy, and decide to keep mum and stay on the sidelines. The contrast between Pence and Walker is stark and demonstrates why one man was able to face down public sector unions and beat back a recall while the other seems to be afraid of his own shadow.
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