Utah’s human weathervane, Jon Huntsman, is now aboard the Trump Train:
“We’ve had enough intraparty fighting. Now’s the time to stitch together a winning coalition,” said Jon Huntsman, the former governor of Utah. “And it’s been clear almost from the beginning that Donald Trump has the ability to assemble a nontraditional bloc of supporters. … The ability to cut across traditional party boundaries — like ’80, ’92 and 2008 — will be key, and Trump is much better positioned to achieve that.”
This statement is ridiculous on its face. Donald Trump is a man with negatives among voters approaching triple digits. He is utterly loathed by at least 30% of the GOP who will not vote for him. He is opposed by about 65% of the GOP if you look at votes cast so far in the primaries. Donald Trump could not put together a two-car funeral much less a wide ranging coalition that could actually win the election.
On the whole, though, Huntsman going to his knees for Trump isn’t much of a surprise. Huntsman’s beliefs are pretty much exhausted once you run through “surrender” and “self aggrandizement.” He formed the “No Labels” movement with two other Democrats so his history of believing in nothing is well established. What is interesting, though, is that his still-born campaign for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, his “chief strategist” (I could not keyboard that without laughing) was none other than John Weaver. Weaver is not only John Kasich’s campaign manager, he has blocked me on Twitter
Weaver and Kasich are very much aligned with one another. Both are duplicitous f**s who will casually lie to advance their goal. Both are egomaniacal. Both clearly dislike Ted Cruz more than they do Donald Trump.
It is nearly inevitable that when it comes time for John Kasich to make a decision, whether it be to suspend his campaign or to endorse someone else at a contested convention, he will endorse Donald Trump. He will do that because, on the whole, Trump’s socially liberal, big government vision for America is much more John Kasich’s than is the vision Ted Cruz has.
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