Via The Washington Post:
Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is trying to knock opponent John Kasich off Montana’s primary by questioning signatures the Ohio governor’s campaign submitted to qualify for the ballot — another subplot in the unfolding political drama to derail Donald Trump’s presidential bid.
Emails obtained by The Associated Press show Cruz campaign officials have raised questions about the 622 signatures submitted by the Kasich campaign. A minimum of 500 valid signatures is required for a presidential candidate to qualify for the Montana ballot.
The Cruz campaign asserts Kasich’s petition contains signatures with invalid notaries, improper dates, mismatched phone numbers and illegible names, among other potential discrepancies.
John Kasich is actually a fitting metaphor for the rise of Donald Trump. He has utter contempt for normal folks and has an immense sense of entitlement that says he doesn’t have to obey the rules everyone else has to obey. If you recall, Kasich was nearly booted off the ballot in Pennsylvania for the same reason.
I don’t know that tossing Kasich off the ballot in Montana is necessary but I can completely see why the Cruz campaign would make the move. Montana is a winner take all state and we are at a point where no delegates can be left on the table by any candidate. The last poll in Montana was over a year ago:
The poll seems to indicate that Montana might actually be Kasich friendly. A lot of water has obviously passed under the bridge since February 2015 but the net preference for Bush and Walker has to give the Cruz campaign pause, but any vote Kasich siphons off from the real contest is one more vote aiding Donald Trump in getting the nomination and why, under these circumstances, would you take chances?
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