Today at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) meeting, Hillary Clinton gave a speech in which she criticized Donald Trump’s stated position on Israel:
Hillary Clinton pledged on Monday that she would stand unyieldingly with Israel and warned that her potential Republican rival, Donald J. Trump, would be an unreliable partner for one of America’s closest allies.
In a rock-ribbed speech in Washington that previewed how she might confront Mr. Trump on foreign policy in a general-election campaign, Mrs. Clinton said, “We need steady hands, not a president who says he’s neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday, and who-knows-what on Wednesday.”
“America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security and survival,” Mrs. Clinton said, speaking to the annual policy meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the nation’s most influential pro-Israel lobbying group. “My friends, Israel’s security is nonnegotiable.”
I’m not going to defend Trump’s statements on Israel. They could only be spoken by someone who didn’t know Israel even existed or a cynical demagogue trying to give his followers the idea that he could solve even the most intractable problems by deal-making. Or both.
Hillary Clinton has always given a lot of lip service to Israel’s security but during her tenure as Secretary of State she presided over an erosion of the US-Israel relations to the extent that they may be permanently damaged. The Obama administration’s devotion to the cause of Palestinian fomented terrorism removed the US as an honest broker in negotiations, to the extent where Israel has begun cooperating with Moscow on security issues where, only a few years ago, they would have partnered with the US.
In fact, Hillary Clinton’s State Department, in the person of US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering, considered covertly fomenting riots in Israel as a way of making the Israelis bargain away more land to the Palestinians:
But it wasn’t just the US ambassador. Clinton’s inner circle were actively involved in bullying Israel into making concessions to terrorists:
As relations with Israel remained tense, another Clinton confidant, Anne Marie Slaughter, sent a staff-wide email to Clinton staffers recommending that they undertake a “Pledge for Palestine” campaign aimed at convincing U.S. millionaires and billionaires to donate significant portions of their wealth to the Palestinian cause.
The effort, Slaughter wrote in the September 2010 email, could help shame Israel.
“Such a campaign among billionaires/multi-millionaires around the world would reflect a strong vote of confidence in the building of a Palestinian state and could offset the ending of the moratorium for Palestinians,” Slaughter wrote. “There would also be a certain shaming effect re Israelis, who would be building settlements in the face of a pledge for peace.”
Slaughter, who described the effort as a “crazy idea,” suggested tapping the “Clinton fundraising network” in order to raise the money needed.
“With even 30 calls to the right people in the Clinton fundraising network it should be possible to generate a substantial enough amount quickly enough to capture the public imagination,” she wrote in the email, which was sent to top Clinton staffers, including Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin.
I’m sure AIPAC would rather see a President Hillary than a President Trump but the idea that she actually cares any more about Israel’s security is utterly ludicrous.
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