The dominos are starting to fall. Yesterday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced that he is endorsing and supporting Donald Trump’s candidacy. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley did not endorse Trump but made it very clear that if he wins the nomination that he has her support.
Receiving less attention than Christie was the endorsement of Trump by Maine Governor Paul LePage.
Gov. Paul LePage announced his endorsement on Friday while speaking on “The Howie Carr Show,” a conservative radio talk show based in Boston. The famously pugnacious governor said Trump owes him for paving the way when it comes to being outspoken.
“I was Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular, so I think I should support him since we are one of the same cloth,” LePage said.
LePage has become nationally known for his colorful comments, including his assertion that drug dealers with names like “D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty” come to his state to sell heroin and “impregnate a young white girl before they leave.” He later apologized, calling it a slip of the tongue.
LePage, who’s white, this month said asylum seekers are the biggest problem in Maine, because they bring diseases, including AIDS and what he called the “Ziki fly,” an incorrect reference to the Zika virus, a mosquito-borne virus that might be linked to abnormally small heads in newborns and has affected mostly countries in South and Central America.
This is not a huge shocker. LePage endorsed Chris Christie and campaigned for him in New Hampshire.
LePage is no stranger to RedState. Moe interviewed him when he was first running for office back in 2010. Not only did he win election in 2010, he won re-election in 2014. As Erick said
Yes, people — Maine’s Republican Governor looks set for re-election next week. And he is not one of those squishy Maine Republicans either.
Say what you will about LePage’s style but he is pro-life, pro-gun-rights, and pro-school-vouchers. He, as you can tell by the newspaper article, is loathed by the left. He is one of those guys who has proven that a conservative can win and hold a blue/purple state.
There is an Arab proverb to the effect of “wait three days before you greet the conqueror.” The idea behind it is that you want to make sure the conqueror is staying before you pledge your allegiance to him. That is what we are seeing with Christie and LePage and we will see more of it in the near future. After Tuesday, barring deus ex machina, there will be the beginnings of an avalanche of elected Republicans endorsing Trump because the conqueror has arrived and it is time to get with the program.
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