Friday Morning Minute

Friyay. (Credit: Unsplash/Sincerely Media)

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



Biden's Reaction to the Killing of Hamas Leader Is Unbelievable

But Biden didn't want to pull the trigger on bin Laden either. That's who we (allegedly) have in charge right now.

CNN Reporter Tries to Race-Bait JD Vance, and a Masterclass Follows

That's one of the reasons Democrats are attacking Vance so heavily despite the vice presidential choice not typically being at the forefront. Whether he was technically the "best" overall choice or not, they fear him, and they know a debate is coming up where he's going to shine.

Huge Riot Breaks Out at Vigil After Stabbing Attacker Is Identified As Muslim

This isn't just about three little girls ruthlessly murdered. It's about people in a country waking up and realizing that it's too late and what's been done cannot be undone.


Today on Capitol Hill...

All's quiet on the Hill on Friday as both the House and Senate are now officially out for their August recess. (I rather miss summer breaks, don't you?) There is one field hearing today, though: The House Natural Resources Committee is hosting an "Oversight field hearing titled 'Rigs to Restoration: Examining Gulf Coast Restoration through Energy Production and Permitting'" in Thibodaux, Louisiana, this afternoon. 


White House What's Up

'Twill be a quiet day at the White House, as well, as the only thing presently on President Joe Biden's schedule is his planned mid-day departure for Wilmington, Delaware, though, in fairness to the Big Guy, he was up late Thursday greeting the Americans freed from Russia at Joint Base Andrews. 

Full Court Press...

Justin Timberlake is set to be re-arraigned in Sag Harbor, New York, on Friday in his drunk driving case after a paperwork issue regarding the initial filing against him was noted. Timberlake will be allowed to appear virtually for the hearing.

Of Primary Concern

The recount for the GOP primary in Virginia's Fifth Congressional District was completed, and the result was the same (minus four votes): State Senator John McGuire edged out incumbent Bob Good for the win. 

Tennessee's Thursday primary resulted in few surprises: Incumbent Senator Marsha Blackburn won the GOP primary handily and will face Democrat Gloria Johnson in November. Republican Rep. Andy Ogles faced a challenge for his Fifth District seat but fended off Courtney Johnston. And the same goes for Democrat Steve Cohen in the Ninth District. 



I think if my days weren't so mixed up at the moment, I'd be glad it's Friday. One thing I'm definitely not mixed up about is that I'm glad the Missouri primary is next Tuesday, and maybe — hopefully — after that, we'll catch a break from the non-stop (and generally silly) political ads, mailers, robocalls, texts, emails, etc. Yes, there's still the general election in November, but one of the (several) nice things about living in a solid-red state is that the primary is the real contest for most of the races. I am well and past done with it. 


We'll call this: Lightning Fare —


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