Friday Morning Minute

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



Incredible Video Shows Just How Far the Media and Deep State Went to Lie to Americans About Hunter Laptop

I was once innocent enough to believe my country would not lie to me. Now I know better.

Lunden Roberts Reveals What a Lowlife Joe Biden Is

The idea that Biden is some incredible family man isn't born out by any evidence.

More of Biden's Train Wreck Interview With David Muir: Hunter, Trump, Netanyahu, Insane Border Comment

On top of the rest of the train wreck, Biden looked terrible. I'm not sure if he's going to make it to November.


Today on Capitol Hill...

Another quiet day on Capitol Hill, as several members are part of a congressional delegation commemorating D-Day in France.

READ MORE: Congressional Veterans, to Mark D-Day Anniversary, Will Jump Out of Perfectly Good Airplane

White House What's Up

President Joe Biden is still in France following the D-Day commemoration events. On Friday, he's meeting with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in Paris, then heading to Normandy, where he'll deliver remarks "to honor the legacy of Pointe du Hoc and democracy" before returning to Paris. 

Full Court Press...

What will Day 5 of Hunter Biden's Delaware trial bring? Stay tuned. And if you'd like a refresher, check these items out: 


The Love We Share Seems to Go Nowhere - Hunter Biden's Delaware Trial - Day 4

Sordid in the Court: Hallie Biden Describes Drug Use, How She Found Hunter's Gun

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is still on trial in the Southern District of New York for bribery/corruption. 

And, of course, we'll be monitoring the court filings to see if anything of note pops up on this glorious Friday.


Seems like there's an inordinate amount of energy expended on the cult of personality, and feuding over politicians and pundits and who's "right" and who's "wrong." Imagine how much better off we'd be if we remembered to follow principles rather than people/parties. 

(Note: I'm speaking as to the political realm, not the spiritual.) 


"What kind?" "Samoan."


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