Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Turley Raises a Big Question about J6 Chansley Case, Then Elon Drops a Bombshell Video — by Nick Arama
They showed videos of Chansley yelling at the crowd. But what they didn’t show was this kind of video, of him peacefully walking around with the officers not threatening anyone. It showed that he wasn’t the character being portrayed to the judge in his case, which may have factored into why he got such a stiff sentence for non-violent action.
Not only does Chansley have Carlson and Turley asking questions about his case, but now he has Twitter owner Elon Musk as well. Musk commented on the video that Carlson had shown about Chansley on his show, showing him being guided around by the police.

#2 – Biden Laughs About IRS Going After Americans, as Yellen Gives Away His Huge Lie — by Nick Arama
So Smith asked what are they talking about when they’re talking about “will not see an increase” — did she mean the total number of new IRS audits or a proportionate number based on historic levels?
“I’m talking about the proportion of those small businesses and families,” Yellen responded.
“Okay. So the proportion, I mean, just for the record, the proportion is 90%,” said Smith, referencing the GAO report. “So 90% of the new audits will be, you know, according to the data, that we can expect up to 90% of new audits to be on those making less than $400,000.”
Oh, so they were playing word games with us. They’re still going to have 90 percent of the new audits falling on us. What weasels. Not that we didn’t know that Joe was lying, but they are such slimy liars, particularly playing these word games.

#3 – There’s a Growing ‘Trad-Wife’ Trend That’s Making Feminists Furious — by Brandon Morse
However, the media is acting as if this is a contagion that needs to be suppressed and destroyed ASAP. People on TikTok are going after these women as if they were social pariahs, denouncing and belittling them at every turn.
While I won’t deny that there are some performative aspects to this growing TikTok trend, as I suspect everything on TikTok to be at least a little theatrical, I don’t see these women looking down on others for not being like them. Moreover, I don’t see them spreading or endorsing any kind of evil. There are bad apples in every tree, but I haven’t seen enough to convince me this is the breeding ground of racism and bigotry like some have claimed.
The question I have to ask is why these people are reacting so negatively to this traditional wife trend.

#4 – Kevin McCarthy Goes There in Speech, Goes off on Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell for Lying — by Jerry Wilson
It is simultaneously refreshing and exciting that McCarthy would be so blunt in his comments. It is also a mite puzzling. Given how much of modern politics is constantly pointing toward the next election, looking for any pull-quote usable to bolster one’s standing among the faithful, not providing same is standard operational procedure. McCarthy’s comments are blue-meat fodder for Schiff’s Senatorial campaign.
They also are usable by Swalwell. Despite the laughable failure of his 2020 presidential campaign, Swalwell clearly has his eye on higher office, most likely the governorship whenever Newsom tires of the job. Perhaps McCarthy is, in his way, living out something Hawkeye Pierce said on M*A*S*H:
You know what a hero is? Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, he’s somebody who’s tired enough and cold enough and hungry enough not to give a damn. I don’t give a damn.

#5 – Taibbi Drops Yet Another Dem With a Little Reality — by Nick Arama
Not only did she ask, but Garcia did as well, as the first video in this story showed.
Taibbi is just on fire, he’s calling all these Democrats out on their lies.
He also made an interesting observation about Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) who hilariously claimed that there wasn’t “any direct government censorship of lawful speech.” Notice the “weasel word” in there, “direct.” If they don’t explicitly say the word “ban” they’re not trying to get the person they flag to Twitter banned, wink wink, it’s not “direct.” But Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) dropped him with an example of a request to censor Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
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