Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Biden Gets Lost on the WH Lawn, Then Makes Very Revealing Statement — by Nick Arama
On Monday, he was at it again, just trying to get through the day, failing without having yet more issues.
Here he was wishing Kamala Harris a “Happy Birthday” and calling her “president” for the umpteenth time.
At this point, who knows? Maybe he does believe she is the president, he certainly keeps saying it. Once is a mistake. Several times is a problem. Of course, maybe he’s just speaking about the plan for the future since he can’t seem to stop saying the quiet part out loud.

#2 – Here’s the Moment When Zeldin Won the NY Gov’s Race Against Hochul — by Nick Arama
The big focus of their race has been crime, the top issue in New York. Zeldin has focused on it like a laser beam, and he’s closed the gap that he originally had with Hochul. As we noted, the latest poll had Zeldin leading by under a point. That probably means that Zeldin is up by even more.
But listen in the clips below, as Zeldin just decimates Hochul on crime. Hochul shows how limited the position of Democrats is on this point — all they can talk about is gun control. They’re not interested in doing anything that addresses the rise in crimes – other than gun crimes (not that gun control would actually even address those gun crimes). Zeldin gives a terrific and impassioned defense of New Yorkers — including himself — who have faced the scourge of crime.

#3 – WATCH: Cops Tase Fleeing Felon, He Explodes Into a Human Fireball — by Alex Parker
After nearly 10 minutes, the on-the-lam lawbreaker cut across a Kroger parking lot and into a neighborhood. He grounded his crotch rocket near a tree and attempted to ditch the fuzz on foot. But the long arm of the law caught up.
The man had boldly blazed through town as if imagining he was John Wick. The comparison proved particularly apt — minus the “John.” As captured on camera, a member of the Arkansas State Police unholstered his taser and fired on the fleeing felon. When the barbs reached the suspect and delivered their jolt of justice, the culprit blew up like the Death Star. His torso burst into a furious fireball that consumed the rest of him.

#4 – Whitmer on the Edge of Defeat in Michigan, According to Latest Poll and Projection — by Joe Cunningham
The poll is one of the latest by Trafalgar to show a closer race in swing states than other pollsters do, but it’s not much of an outlier compared with other polls. Cygnal, identified as a Republican firm, previously polled the state as being six points in Whitmer’s favor. But other recent polls have been much closer, and many of the same issues plaguing other Democrats are also hurting her chances in Michigan.
Crime, inflation, and general displeasure with Democrats have soured voters on the Democratic Party. What’s more, Detroit is one of the worst-performing cities when it comes to controlling crime and violence and, according to data from Monday morning’s national report card, it featured some of the worst performances in fourth- and eighth-grade reading and math.

#5 – WATCH: Hilarious Babylon Bee Take on Californians Canvassing for Beto in Texas — by Nick Arama
In Texas, Democrat Beto O’Rourke is far behind Gov. Greg Abbott in the gubernatorial race. He’s 11 points back according to the latest UT/Texas Tribune poll, which has Abbott at 54 percent and O’Rourke at 43 percent. Republicans are voting for Abbott, Democrats for Beto, but the big difference is that the independents are going 60 percent to Abbott with only 29 percent going to Beto. So it looks like Beto is pretty much toast if this is any indication. The RealClearPolitics average has Abbott up 8.7 points.
The satire-slinging Babylon Bee has a running video series about a California couple and their experiences after they moved to Texas. All the segments are worth a look, at their reaction to things Texas and the reaction of Texans to the couple’s very California liberal ways. But the latest take about the California couple canvassing for Beto in a deep red area of Texas is hilarious, with a special guest and twist at the end. “Bless your heart!”
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