Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – ‘The View’ Hosts Went Wild on Ron DeSantis, Then the ‘Clarifications’ Started — by Bonchie
The long and short of it is that basically everything these unbearable lunatics said originally was false. TPUSA condemned the “nazis” in question via a statement. For his part, Ron DeSantis had no connection with them whatsoever. Lastly, Goldberg’s rantings about them being part of the conference were also false. On the contrary, they were ridiculed and denied entry.
In other words, this was just another day on “The View.” How ABC News justifies keeping that dumpster fire on the air is a question that may never be answered. We are talking about hosts who know absolutely nothing about anything they address, yet try to present themselves as thoughtful analysts. Who actually watches this mindless garbage? Well, I know the answer to that (*cough* white, liberal wine moms), but still.

#2 – Country Music Superstar John Rich Blisters the ‘Woke’ With Patriotic #1 Hit, Takes out Biden in the Process — by Mike Miller
While “woke,” in-your-face movies like Disney Pixar’s disastrous, “Lightyear,” which ridiculously and needlessly includes same-sex kissing, predictably bombed across the country, the megahit “Top Gun: Maverick” broke box office records across America.
While the ratings of CNN and MSNBC continue to swirl down the viewership toilet, Fox News in primetime continues to thrash their liberal lapdog ratings combined.
And while “Green Day” frontman and California native Billy Joe Armstrong told a London crowd in the aftermath of the overturn of Roe v. Wade that he was renouncing his American citizenship in an expletive-filled rant trashing America, American patriot John Rich soared to the top of the iTunes charts with an anthem destroying everything Armstrong and his woke comrades “stand” for.

#3 – Wide-Eyed Clip of Joe Biden Ranting About ‘Insurrection’ Raises Eyebrows — by Bonchie
The first time I watched it, I didn’t catch it. I knew the guy looked glazed over, but he always looks glazed over. And yeah, his voice is scratchy, but he does have COVID-19, so that couldn’t be it. Then after another watch, it hit me: Joe Biden goes a full 42 seconds without blinking (0:41-1:23 in the video).
He’s reading a teleprompter the entire time and his eyes never move. They are locked in on that giant TV he uses like a heat-seeking missile. And to go 42 seconds without blinking? That takes some serious skill…or some serious drugs. In fact, while I was timing it out, I had to restart the video several times because I couldn’t hold my own eyes open long enough to make sure he hadn’t blinked while I was blinking.

#4 – A Petulant Joe Biden Makes a Cowardly Move in Presser Held After GDP News — by Sister Toldjah
That’s just pathetic and, quite frankly, cowardly, especially coming from a guy who oftentimes said on the campaign trail that the buck stops with him.
The fact of the matter is that Biden inherited an economy from former President Donald Trump that was on the rebound, and then promptly set about undoing it as soon as he was sworn into office with a mixture of Congressional and executive actions that included effectively shutting down the Keystone Pipeline project.
And beyond that, there are very few people in this country who are sitting around their kitchen tables paying the bills and trying to make ends meet who are quibbling over whether or not this is “really” a recession. Their thinning wallets tell them exactly what it is.

#5 – Protesters Unhinged at Turning Point USA Summit; Ted Cruz Has Best Response to Woke Insanity — by Nick Arama
Perhaps there was nothing that exemplified that more than the small group of protesters who parked themselves outside the event, screaming at the attendees. Now, what’s funny is they think they’re succeeding in shutting down the event or blocking one of the speakers, Drew Hernandez; yet, they’re trying to call the conservative summit “fascist.” It’s these folks, who want to shut down speech other than their own, who are fascists. One of them who let loose just was completely unhinged, shouting “Stand up, fight back” at Hernandez.
But that’s the left all wrapped up in that one person: brooking nothing which challenges their world view; everything else must be screamed at. They can’t tolerate it, because everything offends them.
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