You have to hand it to Richard Grenell. Agree with him or not, he just does not put up with any of the guff his critics and critics of his former boss throw at him, and is unafraid of putting their stupidity on blast on social media for all the world to see.
Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), an adviser to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, found that out the hard way this week.
It all started after Grenell and Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, a CNN military analyst, got into a debate over the wisdom of the Trump-approved Pentagon decision to pull 12,000 U.S. troops from Germany.
Hertling posted a lengthy thread on the topic, including the below tweet, which Grenell responded to:
2d, these actions are primarily:
1. Punishing Merkel & Germany
2. Knee-jerk reaction to Trump vs collaborative US strategy
3. A gift to Russian expansionism & Putin's plan
4. Another wedge for NATO
5. Further disruption of US Military
6. Something Congress should not allow
14/— Mark Hertling (@MarkHertling) July 29, 2020
24k US troops remain in Germany.
Times change. Threats are different and constantly changing. We are grateful that @realDonaldTrump is willing to question the Washington status quo arguments. https://t.co/1fJ3mRUz4y
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) July 30, 2020
Hertling then tried to “pull rank” on Grenell by suggesting he was in a better position to gauge the situation than Trump’s former acting DNI:
While being aware of how many will stay & probably more aware than @RichardGrenell of the threat changes in Europe, this action is not part of a strategy or a threat assessment.
And it damages both our national security and our alliances. https://t.co/YVdOdVJRsY
— Mark Hertling (@MarkHertling) July 30, 2020
Grenell didn’t take the bait on the swipe, and simply noted that it was planned and would be implemented by military officials at the Pentagon who are in a position to know the particulars that Hertling likely does not:
It may not be your assessment but it was planned and will be implemented by the Pentagon.
Times change. https://t.co/x7r4IzpFWr
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) July 30, 2020
It was then McCaskill chimed in, apparently believing that piling on Grenell was a good idea:
Of all the sycophants and unqualified folks surrounding Trump, why do I find this guy particularly repugnant? Because he was given real jobs and didn’t have a clue? https://t.co/cCudy7FzIC
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) August 3, 2020
It wasn’t:
Ummm, you voted for me.
Or was that because you had an upcoming election and wanted to hoodwink the people of Missouri into thinking you weren’t a partisan?! @clairecmc https://t.co/wlgSH1fCcv pic.twitter.com/G7qkUyMk0b
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) August 3, 2020
Her response? Instead of quote RTing a reply, which everyone who visited her page would automatically see, she sent this meek response, which you’d only see if you clicked on the “replies” link on her Twitter page:
.I’ve made many mistakes in my life. That was one of them. Ugh.
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) August 4, 2020
LOL. Bless her heart.
Don’t go away mad, Claire. Just go away. Seriously. How embarrassing?!
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