That St. Louis homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey are being charged for what amounts to protecting themselves and their home from supposedly “peaceful” protesters last month is bad enough, but when you find out what the other “priorities” are for the circuit attorney who decided to prosecute them, it’ll make your blood boil all the more.
Mr. McCloskey appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program Monday night to discuss the latest developments in the case, including the fact that St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has decided to charge them with “felony unlawful use of a weapon” and “misdemeanor fourth-degree assault.”
During the interview, McCloskey brought up a key point about Gardner that we don’t hear much about in the mainstream media because they have an Orange Man Bad narrative to push, and pesky details like what Gardner finds worthy of prosecution and doesn’t do not fit into that equation:
“It seems like the only person in the United States who thinks we did something wrong is our [city’s] circuit attorney. She is the same person that let out of jail everybody that was responsible for the looting and fires and destruction, following the George Floyd death, in the city of St. Louis,” McCloskey told Carlson.
“It’s a totally upside-down world,” he continued. “The people who broke into my neighborhood were all trespassing. The guy that recruited them, that planned this event, said the next day that he intended to break the law; that he needed to break laws in order to send his message.”
“None of those people are arrested. None of those people are charged. The circuit attorney has apparently decided her job as a prosecutor isn’t to keep us safe from criminals but to keep the criminals safe from us. It’s a bizarro, upside-down world. I’ve been a little irritated by this process until today and now I am just flat out pi–ed off. This has gotten to be outrageous.”
Very disturbing, but Gardner is a George Soros-backed attorney, so I guess we shouldn’t expect any better.
Watch the full interview Carlson did with McCloskey below:
Watch Tucker Carlson: “Mark McCloskey faces four years in jail and up to a $10,000 fine for the crime of defending himself when no-one else would.” McCloskey reacts to being charged with a felony for taking out a gun to defend himself from trespassers.
pic.twitter.com/pWw24thseK— TV News HQ (@TVNewsHQ) July 21, 2020
You can read the transcript of the interview here.
Missouri’s Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who has vowed to seek a dismissal of the case against the McCloskeys, made similar points about Gardner’s views when it comes to private citizens defending themselves in a lengthy thread posted to Twitter yesterday about the case, which my RedState colleague Bonchie wrote about this morning.
Missouri’s Gov. Mike Parson (R) has said he will pardon the McCloskeys if it comes to that.
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