With President Trump and other administration officials going public over the last several days with their criticisms of NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s handling of the Wuhan coronavirus crisis, the mainstream media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) are tripping over each other to defend Fauci’s honor in interviews and on social media.
Failed 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg joined in on the action Sunday in a tweet. Though he didn’t mention Fauci by name, it’s not hard to guess which medical experts he was referring to:
Listening to medical experts should not be political.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) July 12, 2020
Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), who like many Americans at this point doesn’t seem know which medical experts to trust anymore after being given conflicting advice on multiple occasions, responded to Buttigieg’s tweet with a simple question:
Which ones? https://t.co/E1yuUCqwph
— Senator John Cornyn (@JohnCornyn) July 12, 2020
S.E.Cupp, a weekend anchor at CNN and a fan of the Never Trump, pro-Biden “conservatives” at the Lincoln Project, predictably responded to Cornyn’s tweet by mocking people who ask questions about who to trust these days:
The whole “hating on medical experts during a pandemic to own the libs” thing is turning the stupid dial up to 11. History will literally view this time as a mockumentary of unloveable idiots. https://t.co/PXKhJ1QYWD
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) July 13, 2020
Either Cupp’s got the inside track on which medical experts we should trust and shouldn’t, or she’s just virtue signaling because that’s what the journalists at CNN like to do. My money is on the latter.
In any event, prolific Twitter user and Spectator contributing writer Stephen Miller got wind of Cupp’s comments and proceeded to provide her with a much-needed history lesson on what we were told at the start of the pandemic here in the U.S., versus what we were told a few months later when protesters took to crowding in the streets:
They said close the economy. We did. They said you don’t need masks. We said ok. They said stay at home for two weeks. We did. Then they said we do need masks. We said ok.
Then they said but it’s actually okay to gather in large crowds & mass protests because social justice https://t.co/inWnhktpc9
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 13, 2020
They created the mistrust & you guys all nodded along like bobbleheaded idiots.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 13, 2020
COVID-19 particularly hits communities of color the worst. Then that all went in the dumpster so people could gather by the hundreds in close proximity during a contagious pandemic, to "save black lives"
You created this. Not us. We did everything we were told
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 13, 2020
Yep. And for the record, this goes way beyond Dr. Fauci.
As several of my RedState colleagues noted at the time the George Floyd protests and riots were ramping up, “medical experts” and anchors on networks like CNN who lectured and scolded Reopen protesters on the dangers of staging marches at state capitals in late April were singing different tunes in late May and all of June in the name of “social justice” and “ending racism”
As Miller correctly pointed out, this was also just days and weeks after numerous media outlets were reporting on how doctors were warning about how the coronavirus was disproportionately impacting the Black community.
As a result of the mixed messages we’ve been given since the pandemic started, there aren’t many people left who are willing to go along anymore with what experts are saying. In fact, don’t be surprised if most people don’t trust medical experts the next time a pandemic hits America.
Someone might want to ask the S.E. Cupps of the world what protesting shoulder to shoulder in crowded streets for five weeks has to do with “owning the libs.” The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t. But such inconvenient facts don’t compute in the minds of people who operate from the Orange Man Bad premise.
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