As Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) pointed out recently, it will be crucial in the months ahead for Republicans from President Trump on down to lay out in no uncertain terms the differences between the Republicans and Democrats when it comes to law and order versus dangerous “woke”/cancel culture, mob rule, and chaos.
“Where does it end? Where does it stop?” Jordan asked rhetorically during an interview with Fox News on Tuesday. “No one is safe with the mob and that’s why it is so important that we stand up now before this gets even more out of control. Stand up and say it is wrong, it should not happen, this politically correct cancel culture left-wing mob is exactly wrong for this country and this election is when we can stand up and say ‘we’re not going to tolerate it.’”
Jordan was speaking broadly about the contrasts between Trump and Biden, but there are also stark contrasts to be drawn between other top leaders in both parties as well, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) inadvertently reminded people during a press conference earlier today.
Pelosi was asked about the toppling of the Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore, which was pulled down by a mob of left-wing agitators and thrown into the Inner Harbor on Independence Day.
Her initial response was to shrug it off and say she wasn’t a big fan of monuments and statues – “I don’t even have my grandmother’s earrings” she stated, as though her grandmother’s earrings had anything to do with the erasing of American history.
She then stated at first that she believed it was “up to the community” to decide if statues should come down, and noted that the toppling of the Columbus statue didn’t diminish her pride in her Italian-American heritage or something.
But in a follow-up question where she was asked to clarify whether she preferred statues be taken down by mobs or if it should be decided by a committee, and her answer told us everything we need to know about Democrats going forward into the November elections:
"People will do what they want to do," Pelosi said when asked about Baltimore's statue of Christopher Columbus being destroyed by a mob. https://t.co/NHvX0qozrE pic.twitter.com/57VX3BPBU3
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) July 9, 2020
“People will do what they do.”
So this is how it’s going to be. Democrats milking the tearing down of statues, monuments and the like, catering to the mobs because Orange Man Bad.
The Trump campaign should run her comments in a future ad over and over again just to show how low Democrats are willing to stoop in order to try and win the election.
I don’t care how much you dislike a president. Shrugging and turning your back when American history is literally being set on fire and thrown into harbors by anarchistic mobs is not the answer, and it’s not what real leadership looks like.
It’s clear from Pelosi’s answer and the lack of condemnations from other Democrats regarding the despicable acts taking place across the country like the dumping of the Columbus statue that they literally do not care what happens in this country nor to it as long as it advances their “cause” and allows them to stay in power and/or increase it.
I can’t think of a more cowardly answer for a supposed “leader” to give at a time when people on both sides of the aisle need to be able to come together and say “enough is enough” and back it up with action. Absolutely pathetic.
Related –>> Sen. Mike Lee Tears Bob Menendez Apart in Heated Back and Forth Over Mob Violence Resolution
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