As my RedState colleagues Bonchie and Streiff previously reported, Tucker Carlson is not in the mood to play the left’s hypocritical “civility” games at this critical moment in America’s history.
He’s also not interested in backing down from the fight against cancel culture, not in the face of left-wing boycott efforts, and not in the face of Democrat mobs who are fauxfended over his pointed criticisms of Sen. Tammy Duckworth’s (D-IL) bizarre and nonsensical comments about President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech and her saying she’s open to listening to radicals who want to cancel our Founding Fathers.
Duckworth is an Iraq war veteran who lost both legs when her helicopter was shot down in 2004. Carlson suggesting in the aftermath of her comments about the Founding Fathers and Trump’s speech that she and other Democrats who agree with her “hate America” has led to predictable outcry and condemnations by the media, Democrats, and even some of the Usual Suspects on the right.
The latest entrant into the Outrage Sweepstakes is, of course, the Biden campaign. Spokesman T.J. Ducklo trotted out another variation of the left’s “words are violence” argument by claiming Carlson was engaging in “hate speech masquerading as journalism”:
“Tucker Carlson and his colleagues who traffic in hate speech masquerading as journalism are accomplices to Donald Trump’s perverse mission to use division and bitterness to tear this country apart,” said Biden campaign spokesman T.J. Ducklo. “It is the polar opposite of what Joe Biden stands for, and exactly what he means when he talks about a battle for the soul of America.”
During a virtual fundraiser, Joe Biden himself labeled Carlson’s criticisms “sickening” and trotted out the “Putin” card after Trump shared a video of Carlson’s commentary on his Twitter feed:
“While in fact (Trump is) coddling Putin — Putin carries him around like a puppy in one of those little puppy cages. While that’s going on he attacks, he attacks the senator from Illinois who is a literal hero, combat veteran, lost both legs fighting for her country, and he says she’s not a patriot. Folks we cannot let this stand,” Biden said.
Duckworth also attended the virtual fundraiser and has been floated as a possible vice presidential pick for Biden.
I don’t think Biden nor his campaign staffers realize that in launching these attacks on Carlson that they are giving him a gift he will run with at a time when he’s setting viewership ratings records on his primetime Fox News program “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Carlson is quite literally the most watched cable news network anchor in America right now for a reason. His message is clearly resonating with people who are feeling frustrated and hopeless over the rise of cancel culture and the lawlessness and chaos they are seeing taking place in their own backyards. The attacks on him by Biden and his campaign will not have the silencing effect they’re hoping for.
In fact, what Carlson is doing – and Trump is as well, considering his Mount Rushmore speech – is exactly what Ducklo claims Biden is doing: battling for the “soul of America.” Carlson and Trump both know that if Biden and down-ballot Democrats win in November, the battle becomes all the harder, the uphill climb even higher.
The strategy on the right from people like Carlson, Trump, and other Republicans appears to be that it’s better to lay all the cards out on the table now and see what happens in a few months at the ballot box rather than to hold back while Democrats and the media unleash hell.
I can’t say as I blame them. There’s too much on the line for Republicans to be anything but brutally honest at this point about the dangerous precipice on which this country currently stands.
Flashback –>> Joe Biden’s Director of Rapid Response Launches a War on Reporter Catherine Herridge, and Gets Busted
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