As my RedState colleague Bonchie reported earlier, the story about how President Trump had supposedly been briefed about Russia allegedly putting bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan is quickly falling apart. This is in large part thanks to former NSA John Bolton being caught in a lie about the story, and because numerous named and unnamed sources have stepped forth to state that the intelligence was not substantiated to a level that would require the information to be included in a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB).
Nevertheless, the Usual Suspects are still running wild with the story in an effort to damage Trump in a presidential election year. And with most every other Democrat and “journalist” weighing to declare Trump values an alliance with Russian president Vladimir Putin over than the lives of U.S. troops, failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton decided it was finally time to give her .02 on the matter.
Here’s what she said:
Either he knew and chose to do nothing, or he didn't know because he couldn't be bothered to do his job.https://t.co/23QRIZMS08
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 30, 2020
As you might expect, there were a whole lot of people – including yours truly – who were not about to let her slide on that one:
Hillary Clinton having the audacity to suggest someone "couldn't be bothered to do their job" is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. https://t.co/ZmuqLH9Tsw
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) June 30, 2020
— P.I. Protection Spec (@ProtectionSpec) June 30, 2020
Oh please like you have room to talk STFU, you have blood on your hands, committed espionage skolkovo institute of science and technology, and lets no forget Benghazi. You paid for a fake dossier with you and your buddies, Biden, Obama, Comey, clapper, Brennan. I could go on STFU
— Jennifer ⭐⭐⭐ (@Jennife42983712) June 30, 2020
‘What Difference At This Point Does It Make?!’
Said the woman who did nothing.
— I Hate The Media 🇺🇸 (@ihatethemedia) June 30, 2020
— TinyN5 (@N5Tiny) June 30, 2020
— PTG Duffman (@TheRealDuffManD) June 30, 2020
Seriously. I mean this is an “off the charts” level of self-awareness fail. Hillary Clinton is the last person – I mean the absolute last person – who should be throwing stones at anyone else for allegedly choosing not to do their jobs when it comes to protecting American lives against hostile attacks from enemy forces.
Related –>> Hillary Clinton Caught in Embarrassing Self-Own After Claim Gets Fact Checked by the Associated Press
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