If you’re like many Americans, you’ve watched in horror over the last several weeks as protests for justice in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd have been used by anarchistic left-wing mobs in cities across the country to take over city streets for days or even weeks at a time. Businesses have been looted, set on fire, and communities destroyed by thugs who have no use for law and order, who prefer to settle their differences with others by way of violent and dangerous mob rule.
Innocent people have also been assaulted. Sadly, some have even been murdered, including law enforcement officers.
Historical statues have been vandalized and pulled down by angry leftist mobs while police and sheriff’s deputies stood down and watched as it happened.
Instead of condemning these heinous actions, the so-called “leaders” in these cities and states – many of them Democrats – have either looked away, or have justified them by saying in so many words the abhorrent behavior was acceptable due to pent up frustrations over past social injustices. Some have even absurdly suggested the mobs are merely exercising their First Amendment rights.
This is pure nonsense.
Peaceful protests are guaranteed under the First Amendment. Rioting, looting, vandalism, and destruction of private and/or public property is not a First Amendment-protected “right” in any way, shape, form or fashion.
As all of this has played out, there have been precious few leaders on either side of the aisle who have been willing to step up and say “enough” and to call for action. Tucker Carlson has talked about this numerous times during his opening monologues since the riots started.
“If you can’t tell the truth when the truth actually matters, then nothing you say matters,” he stated last week about people who were unwilling to stand up to rage mobs out of fear of being canceled.
One Republican who has not been shy when it comes to calling out rioters and statue topplers is Sen. Tom Cotton (AR), who took to the floor or the U.S. Senate Monday to give a speech for the ages warning of the dangers of mob rule and cancel culture. He quoted great historical leaders like President Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist Frederick Douglass to emphasize his points.
Here are some excerpts from that speech, but I encourage everyone to watch it in full:
Lincoln also warned that the “lawless in spirit” will become “lawless in practice” because of mob violence, seeing no consequences for crimes.
The mob doesn’t stop at statues. Rioters have already torched police precincts and low-income housing in Minneapolis. Churches and synagogues have been vandalized. Next, perhaps, the mob will target the homes of police officers. And soon enough, the mob may come for you, and your home, and your family.
And as the mob expands its power, Lincoln cautioned that good citizens, “seeing their property destroyed; their families insulted, and their lives endangered; their persons injured; and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better; become tired of, and disgusted with, a Government that offers them no protection.” Mob rule can only serve to demoralize our people and shake their faith in our government and our way of life. As the mob rises, civilization recedes.
Cotton also called for the DOJ to prosecute those who have pulled down statues to “the fullest extent of the law” where federal law is applicable. Watch:
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