“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling has found herself on the receiving end of ongoing threats from the cancel culture mob ever since she declared her support in December for a British woman (Maya Forstater) who lost her job after old tweets surfaced where she stated biological men could not be women.
The author did not back down from her position, even after receiving offers from LGBTQ groups to have a meeting to discuss it.
Fast forward a few months, and Rowling has again faced backlash from The Usual Suspects over tweets she posted two weeks ago ripping militant transgender activists for trying to silence women. She also wrote a piece on her website a few days later thoughtfully explaining her position, noting that it had nothing to do with hating transgender men and women.
Not surprisingly, some of the staff for the publisher (Hachette UK) of her children’s book “The Ickabog” declared they no longer felt comfortable working on the book in light of her comments. And 4 outraged authors from Rowling’s London-based literary agency Blair Partnership virtue signaled threatened to resign unless the company “reaffirm[ed] their stance to transgender rights and equality.”
In a victory for Rowling’s right to express her opinion, the agency declined, and the statement they gave after the four authors resigned is one that should be used here in America, too, when cancel culture mobs come calling:
“We support the rights of all of our clients to express their thoughts and beliefs, and we believe in freedom of speech. Publishing and the creative arts are dependent on these things. It is our duty, as an agency to support all of our clients in this fundamental freedom and we do not comment on their individual views.”
“We are disappointed by the decision that four clients have taken to part ways with the agency. To reiterate, we believe in freedom of speech for all; these clients have decided to leave because we did not meet their demands to be re-educated to their point of view. We respect their right to pursue what they feel is the correct course of action.”
“We value all our authors’ voices and, as an agency, champion equality and inclusivity. We remain committed to making the agency the most welcoming environment it can be for everyone. The diversity of our clients’ voices is our strength and we take enormous pride from each and every one.”
Here’s what I suspect Blair Partnership knew: If they came to an “agreement” with the disgruntled authors to “reaffirm” transgender rights, it would have set the agency up later for calls to drop Rowling as a client or to otherwise disassociate from her in whatever way they could. So in response, they didn’t take the bait.
It would seem as though both Rowling and her literary agency have figured out that the best way to fight cancel culturalists is to not bend a knee.
Good for them. It’s about time someone stood up to these petulant, fascistic rage mobs.
Related –>> Cancel Culture Mobs Are Overplaying Their Hand, and the Pushback Is Beginning (VIP post)
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