It’s been fascinating – and not in a good way – to see how the mainstream media and Democratic “leaders” like Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan continue to declare that the CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the hell it is called is a “peaceful” place with a “block party atmosphere.” Some in the media have likened it to a “street festival“, while Durkan recently predicted the occupied zone could very well turn into a “summer of love.”
The reality on the ground is actually much different than these gaslighters would like for people to think it is. As my RedState colleagues and I have previously reported, local businesses in the area are being robbed – and their calls to 911 are being ignored. Guns are being distributed to vigilante “warlords” out of the trunks of cars. Journalists are being attacked in broad daylight.
WrongThinkers are mobbed and kicked off the island.
Seattle police chief Carmen Best has bluntly told the media that “Our calls for service have more than tripled. These are responses to emergency calls — rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the area that we’re not able to get to.”
It is not a good situation there. Not at all. It’s so bad, in fact, that some people who lived in the area before it was taken over by left-wing anarchists are telling reporters they feel like “sitting ducks”:
“We are just sitting ducks all day,” Matthew Ploszaj told Seattle-based KIRO 7. “Now every criminal in the city knows they can come into this area, and they can do anything they want, as long as it isn’t life-threatening. And the police won’t come in to do anything about it.”
Ploszaj said he called 911 after witnessing a burglar break into his courtyard and steal a bike, the outlet reported. Then he said the dispatcher told him there was “nothing we can do” unless someone’s life is in danger.
Russell Kimble, who owns an auto shop on 12th Avenue and East Olive Street near the edge of the CHOP, told Q13 Fox that police “would not” respond to a break-in and confrontation at the business.
Best told Q13 that her department received a report and sent officers who “observed the location from a distance.”
She said they saw no signs of smoke or fire or any other signs of “a threat to life safety.”
In other words, police will only intervene when they observe “from a distance” that a person’s life is in danger.
There are also reports of people who have lived in the area for years who have left and refuse to return until someone in the city grows a pair and shuts this thing down.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like that’s going be happening anytime soon, thanks to Durkan and other spineless officials who would rather appear “woke” than do the right thing.
This is what life looks like in a “cop-free zone”, and in so-called “progressive” cities led by feckless Democrats. These people are literally doing Trump’s work for him, and they don’t even know it.
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