As we’ve previously reported here at RedState, the Democrat/media-driven rush to “cancel” people who refuse to participate in left-wing groupthink on the emerging narratives and/or the various law enforcement/criminal justice reforms being proposed by Democrats in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd is at a fever pitch, with professors, media figures, and pro-sports icons among those being tossed into the fire left and right.
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who somehow managed to win the Nobel Prize in economics in 2008 in spite of his poor track record on economic predictions, is just one of the many woke leftists who have banded together to cancel University of Chicago professor Harald Uhlig for ripping the left’s calls to “defund the police.” Uhlig also had the nerve to criticize those who were looting and rioting in the name of justice for George.
Because of that, the cancel mob says Uhlig needs to be removed from his position as editor of the Journal of Political Economy ASAP:
In a petition addressed to the management of the Journal of Political Economy, the professors accuse senior editor Harald Uhlig of “trivializing the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement” and “hurting and marginalizing people of color and their allies in the economics profession.” Black Lives Matter advocates for a “collective ownership” economic model, reparations, and the “immediate release” of everyone convicted of a drug offense, in addition to defunding police forces and other left-wing agenda items.
The petition goes on to falsely accuse Uhlig, the Bruce Allen and Barbara Ritzenthaler Professor in Economics at the University of Chicago, of “drawing parallels between the BLM movement and the Ku Klux Klan.” [read Uhlig’s allegedly offensive 2017 blog post here — ST]
[University of Michigan professor Justin] Wolfers, who kickstarted the petition alongside Michigan State University professor Scott Imberman, further criticized Uhlig for “disagreeing with the actions of [ex-NFL star Colin] Kaepernick.” Liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg also opposed Kaepernick’s kneeling during the national anthem, but that position has now become retroactively unacceptable in progressive circles. (Ginsburg said Kaepernick’s kneeling was both “dumb” and “disrespectful.”)
Wolfers did not respond when asked by Fox News whether he would seek Ginsburg’s ouster from the Supreme Court.
Krugman’s hot take on the matter was to echo the elite mob’s rejection of Uhlig’s genuine attempt at further explaining his position:
Editor of the Journal of Political Economy, a powerful gatekeeper in the profession. And yet another privileged white man who evidently can't control his urge to belittle the concerns of those less fortunate. https://t.co/H1gUa89p9o
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) June 9, 2020
The irony of privileged white man Krugman’s stance was not lost on Twitter users, who turned the tables on him by urging him to step down from his cushy columnist position at the so-called “newspaper of record” so a person of color would have the opportunity they may not otherwise get:
If PK was truly concerned he’d give up his position at the NYT so that a young person of color could speak to his huge audience and he would relinquish his wealth and live with regular people. Be the change stop posing.
— Jennifer (@IAlwaysDidntSay) June 9, 2020
Idea: Resign your position, having benefited from white privilege, and open your position to a deserving minority voice.
— xMarks (@xMarks96091955) June 9, 2020
Hey Paul, have you checked the mirror lately? Do you know the position you hold? Do you know what that makes you? A privileged, white male. Why don't you go ahead and give up your position to someone else, captain?
— Richard McCreedy (@RichMcCreedy) June 9, 2020
Paul’s just pissy because the market is back over 27000 and the internet is still here. I’ll fax him this tweet so he could see it.
— Eugene Viti (@eviti_viti) June 10, 2020
Multi-millionaire Nobel laureate brands man about to lose his job over an outrage mob “privileged”
— Matt Palumbo (@MattPalumbo12) June 10, 2020
Kruggie, of course, has not responded to any of the suggestions, which by his standards means he’s really not woke enough to be participating in this conversation and should therefore be canceled from his high perch at the New York Times anyway.
I mean, that’s the way this cancel culture thing is supposed to work, right? Be insufficiently woke, lose everything you’ve worked hard your whole life to achieve?
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